

Uses given parameters to add an entry to the user's address book.


save( contact, callbacks )


This method does not return anything.


Name Description
contact A JavaScript object containing contact parameters. The object must be compliant with the 2013 definition of the W3C Contacts Manager API specification. However, certain limitations apply and have been listed below.
callbacks An object containing two callback methods listed below.

The table below lists contact parameter limitations against the W3C Contacts Manager specification.

Parameter Description
name Not supported on iOS.
honorificPrefix Only one prefix is supported.
givenName Only one name is supported. Name lists cannot be used.
additionalName Only one name is supported. Name lists cannot be used.
familyName Only one name is supported. Name lists cannot be used.
honorificSuffix Only one suffix is supported.
nickname Only one name is supported. Name lists cannot be used.
photo On Android/iOS, only one data URI is supported. iOS returns thumbnails only.
categories Not supported.
tel Carrier name is not supported on iOS.
org On Android/iOS, only one organization is supported.
jobTitle On Android/iOS, only one job title is supported.
note Only one note is supported on iOS.
impp Not supported.
sex Not supported.
genderIdentity Not supported.

Callbacks object structure

The remove listener's callbacks object can be structured as follows:

    onSuccess: function (contact) { ... },
    onFailure: function (error) { ... }

Callback methods

Name Description Return type
onSuccess A callback function that accepts an entry that matches the query. The entry is consistent with section 11 of the 2013 definition of the W3C Contacts Manager API specification specification. undefined

Passed to notify that the process could not be completed. It passes an object that contains a description of an error, as listed in the Constants table of the Contacts article.




The following example illustrates the use of the method described above.

var contacts = launchbox.Contacts;

var newContact = {
  readOnly: true,
  name: ["name"],
  honorificPrefix: ["honorificPrefix"],
  givenName: ["givenName"],
  additionalName: ["additionalName"],
  familyName: ["familyName"],
  honorificSuffix: ["honorificSuffix"],
  nickname: ["nickname"],
  email: [{
      value: '',
      type: "work" },
      value: '',
      type: "home" }],
  url: [{
      value: '',
      type: "work" }, 
      value: '',
      type: "home" }],
  adr: [{
      type: "work",
      streetAddress: "streetAddress",
      postalCode: "11-222" },
      type: "home",
      streetAddress: "streetAddress2",
      postalCode: "11-333" }],
  tel: [{
      type: "work",
      value: "123456789" },
      type: "home",
      value: "987654321" }],
  org: ["Organization"],
  jobTitle: ["jobTitle"],
  bday: JSON.stringify(new Date()),
  note: ["This is a note."],
  anniversary: JSON.stringify(new Date())

var listener = {
  'onSuccess' : function(contact) {
    console.log("Contact successfully saved in device : " + JSON.stringify(contact)); },
  'onFailure' : function(error) {
    console.log("Error while saving contact. Error : " + error.code + " ," + error.description); }
};, listner);

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