Pegasystems Attn: Product Management
101 Main Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142-1590
For other offices, see Addresses.
(617) 374 9600
(617) 374 9620
Global Customer Support or GCS:[email protected].
Documentation and help system suggestions and comments are welcome.
Send them to: [email protected].
The Pega Developer Network (PDN) is an extranet with tips, advice, and how-to topics for anyone who develops Process Commander applications. A PRKB number or title identifies an article.
Visit http://pdn.pega.com for the Pega Developer
In several places within the Developer portal, the PDN icon
() marks links to PDN queries. This
allows you to access the latest information and examples about
a wizard or other facility.
In this help system, the gray icon ()
marks PDN articles identified by title.
Pegasystems has technology partners, solution partners, and services partners. To learn about corporate partners, visit