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Completing the Advanced tab

About Operator ID data instances

Complete this tab to:



Security Settings  
Change Password

Click to enter the user's password. After a user is authenticated, the user can change this password from the profile display.

If your own RuleSet list contains the optional PegaPwdControl RuleSet, choose a password value that meets the criteria defined in that RuleSet in terms of length, allowed characters, disallowed characters, and so on. See password control feature. To apply these criteria to later passwords that the operator chooses, ensure that the PegaPwdControl RuleSet is included in the operator's RuleSet list.

Process Commander records any log-in failure from any requestor type as an instance of the Log-SecurityAudit class. To view the date and time, remote host name and IP address, and user name of log-in failures, execute the standard list view rule ListofLoginFailures.

AdvancedThe system converts the password to a hash value using a one-way MD5 message digest algorithm. The hashed value is also contained within the Storage Stream (BLOB) column of the pr_operators table. Using the RuleData toolbar button (RuleData), developers can discover the only the hashed form of any operator password. The clear-text form of the password does not appear in the PegaRULES database and is never transmitted in any HTTP message to or from the workstation.

External Authentication

Select to require that this operator be authenticated only through LDAP or other external authentication facilities. If cleared, the system uses the password on this tab to authenticate this operator.

Allow Rule
Check out

Select to allow this user to update rules in RuleSets that require check out.

When this box is selected, the Check In (Check-In) and Check Out (Check out) toolbar buttons appear rather than the Save (Save) button, for RuleSets that require check-out. In addition, this user has a private RuleSet, which appears at the top of the RuleSet list. See rule management facility.

NoteWhen check-out is enabled, the system saves the entire previous rule each time you check in a new one, supporting the Restore (Restore) operation. See How to restore the earlier state of a rule.

NoteSelect this box for users of the Developer portal, even if they do not expect to check out rules. Clear this box for workers, managers, and anyone who does not use the Developer portal or who do not update rules.

NoteFor best performance on a production system, minimize the number of distinct users who can check out rules. Even when a personal RuleSet is empty — the operator has not checked out any rules — each user who has this capability has a unique, distinct RuleSet list. So, each Java-based rule that this user executes is assembled. Processing resources are required for rule assembly and additional memory is required for the rules assembly cache.

NoteIf this box is cleared (from selected) at a time when the operator's personal RuleSet contains one or more checked-out rules, you can't save the Operator ID form. This restriction prevents the creation of orphaned rules — rules that are checked out but cannot be checked in. Have the operator check in or delete all rules from the personal RuleSet before clearing the box.

NoteThis field affects how the License Compliance facility classifies users who authenticate using this Operator ID instance. Depending on terms your license arrangement with Pegasystems Inc., the value you select may affect tracking and reporting based on your license agreement. See Working with the License Compliance facility.

Activity to

Identify the first activity that the system executes after this user is authenticated. The standard activity for this purpose is named Data-Portal.ShowDesktop. This activity displays the user portal defined in their access group.

License Type

NoteThis field affects how the License Compliance facility classifies users who authenticate using this Operator ID instance. Depending on terms your license arrangement with Pegasystems Inc., the value you select may affect tracking and reporting based on your license agreement. See Working with the License Compliance facility.

In most cases, select:

  • Named if this Operator ID is a person who interacts with Process Commander through a Web browser.
  • Invocation if this Operator ID is for processing performed through service calls, or for processing by external users (typically through the Directed Web access feature)
Default Locale

Optional. You can associate an initial locale with this operator that affects the processing of input dates, times, and numbers, and the presentation of displayed dates, times, and numbers.

For example, enter de_DE to use the German display mode (of DD/MM/YY) rather than the American mode (of MM/DD/YY).

Leave blank in the normal case that the locale setting in the Windows workstation of the operator applies.

If not blank and the system contains locale-specific RuleSets corresponding to RuleSets that this user can access, the user can work with an entire localized application in the Process Work and Monitor Activity workspaces.

Calendar Settings  

SmartPromptOptional. Identify the first key part (Calendar Name) of a calendar instance that identifies the working days and holidays of this operator. At runtime, the system uses the current date in format YYYYMMDD as the second key part to find a calendar data instance. At runtime, if no calendar with a second key part exactly matching today's date is found, the calendar that matches the first key part exactly and has as a second key part the latest date not greater than today's date is used.

noteSelect a valid calendar carefully. To simply maintenance over multiple years, Process Commander does not validate the value in this field when you save an Operator ID form.

TipAs a best practice, if all or nearly all operators in an organization are in a single time zone and follow a common business day calendar, leave this field blank for those operators who share the organizational calendar and time zone. Complete the Calendar and Time Zone fields only for the operators who are exceptions.

Few standard rules depend on the value in this field; it is provided for application use. The calendar does not affect the ability of the operator to sign on, enter work, or perform assignments.

Your application can use this field to access a calendar data instance for the operator when calling date functions. For example, if the value of this field is HONGKONG and the current date is March 31, 2006, the system first searches for a calendar with key HONGKONG.20060331. If no calendar data instance exactly matches this key, the immediately preceding calendar instance if any that matches HONGKONG (such as HONGKONG.20060101) is used.

During log-in, if this field is not blank, both the calendar and the time zone are set on the requestor page as the calendar and default time zone (property pyRequestorTimeZone). If blank, the system uses the calendar from the Organization data instance and does not set a time zone; the time zone is then typically defaulted to the time zone of the server node.

Time Zone

SmartPromptOptional. Select a time zone to be used for presenting the date and times to this user in these three facilities:

  • Work object history
  • List view reports on work objects and assignments
  • Summary view reports on work objects and assignments

For example, select America/New York for the US Eastern time zone; the display adjusts correctly for daylight savings time. Select Europe/London for London time.

TipAs a best practice, if all or nearly all operators in an organization are in a single time zone and follow a common business day calendar, leave this field blank for those operators who share the organizational calendar and time zone. Complete the Calendar and Time Zone fields only for the operators who are exceptions.

Note These values are grouped by zone, not alphabetically, in the drop-down list, starting with the zone that is 12 hours away from Greenwich, England. Time zone codes follow the Olson TZ database, used in the ICU4J 3.4.4 library and most UNIX systems. Details on the Olson TZ database are available from and

CautionDo not type a three-letter code in this field, as such codes are ambiguous in certain cases and may produce incorrect presentation of daylight savings time in other cases. For details, see Pega Developer article PDNPRKB-24159 Issue: Avoid three-letter time zone codes because they do not support Daylight Savings Time.

NoteThis affects only presentation of DateTime values. Within the database, all DateTime values are recorded in the universal time, informally known as GMT. As a result, a work object resolved in one country on Tuesday may be presented as resolved on Monday when the history is reviewed in another country.

TipAs a best practice, if your organization that has all the staff and all the servers in a single time zone, leave the Calendar and Time Zone fields blank. If most staff and all servers are in a common time zone, leave the Calendar field blank but complete a Time Zone value for the exceptional operators. If the organization has operators and servers across many time zones, create a Calendar for each time zone and specify both the Calendar and Time Zone fields in every Operator ID instance.

OldIn Process Commander Version 4, three-letter Java time zone codes such as EST for Eastern Standard Time were accepted for this field. Some —but not all — of the three-letter Java codes are also Olson time zone codes.

zzz About Operator ID data instances