This term has two uses.
In a flow, connector is an element that appears on a Visio diagram for a flow as an arrow that connects two tasks.
On the Visio template used in flow rules, the shape identifies a connector. Connectors leaving
an assignment task typically represent flow action rules
(Rule-Obj-FlowAction rule type). Other connectors
may be linked to a when condition rule.
A connector is a Process Commander programmatic component that defines and implements an interface between a Process Commander application acting as a client and an external system acting as a server. A connector is implemented by any of these ten rule types:
You can use the Connector and Metadata accelerator to develop many connectors without the need to enter class rules, property rules, or connector rules. When debugging connectors, you can test using a simulator.
Connectors support the research function, one of the six R terms defining business processes, by providing users with information retrieved from external systems.
Consult Integrating with External Systems 5.2 for more information about connectors.
Connector rule types are part of the Integration-Connectors category.