The family name of a rule is the text string consisting of all the key parts concatenated with exclamation points, excluding the Applies To or class name portion. For example:
, pegalogo
, and
, the family name is WEBWBPEGALOGOGIF.The family name for some rule types appears on the Referencing Rules display. RuleSet and Version are not part of the family name. The creation date and time are not part of the family name.
The family name is sometimes called the rule identity. This value is an internal representation of the visible key.
If two rules with the same
Applies To class and family name are both
unqualified and each has one or more associated property
circumstance-qualified rules, the same circumstance property
must be used. For example, if activity MyClass.Alpha has an
associated circumstance-qualified rule using property
BodyIndex, then another activity MyClass.Alpha cannot have a
circumstance rule with any property other than BodyIndex.
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circumstance, internal key, visible key |
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About the Referencing Rules display |