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Two types of grid controls appear.

Grid controls in harness, section, and flow action forms

Your application can use an interactive grid defined by the standard HTML property rule DataGrid. Controls on this grid can allow users to append rows, sort rows, and edit row values.

DataGridFor example, the DataGrid on the Work Settings tab of the Operator ID form allows entry of "unavailable" intervals, such as vacations. Use these operations, when enabled:

Click in a row to enter or edit data values.

Grid controls on Formbuilder rule forms

The Harness, Section, Flow Action, and Decision Table rule forms include a grid or table. To interact with the rows and columns of the grid, use these grid controls to change the size and structure the table.

Select any cell in the grid to enable the controls.



zzz Delete the contents of a single cell (not a row or column).
zzz Insert a new row before (above) the selected row.
zzz Insert a new row after (below) the selected row.
zzz Delete the selected row.
zzz Insert a new column before (to the left of) the selected column.
zzz Insert a new column after (to the right of) the selected column.
zzz Delete the selected column.
zzz Merge right — Combine the selected cell and the cell to the right.
Merge down Merge down — Combine the selected cell and the cell below it.
zzz Unmerge — Undo the previous merge.

(Which operations are enabled varies.)

Definitions DataGrid control
Related topics How to complete rule forms

zzz Definitions — G