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A pie chart presents values as set of pie slices, adding to 100%. For example, the standard summary view rule Work-.CountResolvedByResolverTop5IC presents pie slices for the five operators in a work group who resolved the most work objects, as shown in the following example image.

To view this chart for your own application:

  1. Open the summary view rule.
  2. Click the Run toolbar button (Run).
  3. Supply any requested parameters.

Bar chart example

To create an interactive pie chart:

  1. Design and test a summary view report.
  2. On the Chart tab, select Use a Chart for the view?
  3. Select Interactive as the Chart Output Type.
  4. Click Configure Interactive Chart. Select the Pie type and a subtype, such as Donut or Exploded.

For an example, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24154 How to create an interactive pie chart.

definitions interactive chart, slider
Related topics About Summary View rules

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