The task
The labels, layout appearance and
function of links and other controls on a traditional portal workspace
can be customized to match the context of your application and
your organization's vocabulary. You can delete or hide
functions used rarely or that do not apply to your setting.
Such changes can make the users more productive and reduce
training time, by presenting users with images, words, and
phrases they already understand.
Several Process Commander objects affect the traditional portal
layout that a worker or manager experiences:
- The access group referenced in the user's Operator
ID, which provides a RuleSet list and identifies a portal
rule in the Default Portal layout field
- A portal rule that identifies the position, labels, and
type of gadgets that appear
- HTML rules with Data-Gadget as the
Applies To key part, which define simpler
- Activities with Data-Gadget as the
Applies To key part, which define more
sophisticated controls
- Style sheets (as text file rules), which control fonts,
colors, and font sizes
- Images (as binary file rules), which contain images as
JPG or GIF files
Although the
Data-Gadget class is the Applies
To key part for workspace gadgets, this class never
contains persistent instances.
The Process Work, Dashboard, and Monitor Activity workspaces
are used heavily by application workers and managers, and so
offer the best opportunity for tailoring.
The example at right presents the default Dashboard
workspace for a manager, based on the standard portal rule
named WorkManager. This contains three workspaces
(Dashboard, Monitor Activity, and Process Work) that together
reference 19 gadgets. Each gadget defines the appearance and
behavior of a rectangular portion of the navigation panel (on
the left) or workspace (on the right).
- To avoid potential interference with developer users,
choose new names for the portal rules, HTML rules, and
activities, rather than to override standard rules.
- Open any existing portal rule that provides a starting
point. Use the Save As toolbar button to copy it into your
application RuleSet, choosing a new name.
- Update your access group to add the new portal rule or
rules to the Secondary Portal Layouts list
while you are developing and testing.
Log off and log in
again. On the Dashboard workspace, the Portal
Layouts area becomes a selection list (as in the
example to the right), allowing you to quickly switch without
logging out.
Strip out unwanted gadgets; relabel and reorder others
- Change and test portal rules in small steps. On the
Tabs tab, delete, update, and
reorder the rows to determine the label, number, and order of
bars presented to the users who access this portal rule.
- Click a Default radio button to identify
which workspace is open when the user first logs in.
- Save the Portal form and test.
- Next, click the yellow icon to expand one or more rows on the Tabs tab. The Narrow Column
array identifies controls (gadgets) that appear in the
navigation panel. The Wide Column array
identifies controls that appear in the workspace area. Both
contain a Gadget Name, an optional text
label (that can incorporate property values certain to be
present on the clipboard using a Reference directive), and an
optional image. Order is significant in both arrays —
the system presents the first rows at the top of the
- Delete, update, and reorder the detail rows under each
icon. Save the Portal form and
Introducing new gadgets
So far you have deleted, relabeled, and rearranged standard
gadgets; you have not introduced your gadgets:
- Use HTML rule gadgets (in your application RuleSet) to
execute a list view or Summary report and present its results
in the navigation panel, or to execute an activity that
requires no runtime parameters.
- Use activity rule gadgets for more complex processing.
(Check the Custom box on the detail and
enter a row of the Custom tab for
each activity gadget).
Set the Applies To key part for HTML rules
and activities to Data-Gadget.
You can copy and modify a standard gadget HTML rule to
simplify development. (As with portal rules, choose a different
Stream Name when copying; it is preferable not
to override a standard rule in this situation.) The following
may be helpful starting points:
- To present a form in a pop-up window, copy, and modify
the Data-Gadget.Profile HTML rule.
- To present a list of links to list view or summary view
reports, copy and modify the
Data-Gadget.ServiceRulesDD HTML rule.
Your HTML code may use facts about the current user and
context, available as properties on the
page. If so, add this page name (and
its class, Code-Pega-Requestor) on the
Pages & Classes tab of the HTML
Introducing new images
To replace the Pega logo, create a new binary file that is
the same size as the standard binary file rule
webwb.logo_metal.gif, and reference it in the
Options tab of the portal rule.
To replace the Pega watermark image, override the standard
binary file rule webwb.logowatermark.gif, or
override the BODY style in the text file rule
User Interface category