Activity-Clear-Status method |
Use this method to clear the activity status value, setting
it to Good
or another status determined by the
operation of the parameter.
This method can be useful following an Obj-Open method or Obj-Open-by-Handle method in situations where failure is considered likely.
This method uses a single parameter.
Parameter |
Description |
BackoutWorstOnlyStatus | Select to clear the most
severe status values (for example Error ) and
retain a less severe status value (for example
Warn or Good ). |
If the parameter is not selected, the
pyMethodStatus property is forced to the value
. If the parameter is selected, the most
severe status is dropped, and pxMethodStatus is
set to the next most severe status (Fail
This method may update the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.
Activity-Set-Status method |