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Completing the Attachments tab

About Application Requirement rules

Use the Attachments tab to view, add, and delete attachments containing reference materials related to the requirement such as UML diagrams, PowerPoint presentations, informal sketches, or files from external systems.



Edit Attachments

Click to open a separate window where you can add or delete attachments to maintain a current library of reference material for the requirement.

  • To add a new attachment, enter a name or use the smart prompt to select one that categorizes the type of attachment. Names cannot contain spaces or special characters.

Browse to locate and select the file you want to attach. Click Add to upload the file. Click Apply to attach it.

  • To delete an attachment, select it and click the icon to delete it. Click Apply to remove it from the attachment list.

zzzSelect from a list of attachments to view its content. The name that displays here is the name you enter when you add the attachment.

zzz About Application Requirement rules