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Completing the Implementation tab

About Application Use Case rules

The Implementation tab lists the flows, independent tasks, and activities to be implemented for the use case.



Edit Links

Click to display a separate window to add to or modify the table that is displayed in the WITHOUT FLOW CONTEXT section of this tab. The table lists the context links for activities related to the Use Case.

zzzSelect the name of the Applies To class for the activity.

zzzSelect the name of a "May Start?" activity for this class.

Use zzz and zzzto add. modify, and delete rows in the table.

zzz The window also displays an IN FLOW CONTEXT section that lists the context links for flows related to the use case. These links cannot be modified on this display.

Delete All Links

Click to delete all links for this use case.

Sort By

zzzSelect a sort option to order the display of IN FLOW CONTEXT components.


Lists the tasks to be implemented as components of a flow in this use case.


Lists the tasks that are activities associated with the use case but independent of a flow. For example, logging and navigation. Click Edit to update the list.

zzz About Application Use Case rules