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Adding a Work Area control

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AdvancedUsed in composite portals, a section containing a Work Area control supports the runtime presentation of work object forms and worklists. Two formats are available:

For an example of the MDI Work Area, experiment with the User portal, a composite portal. This portal has a single space, defined by the harness rule Data-Portal.WorkUser. The section Data-Portal.UserCenterPanel defines the Work Area.

Follow these steps to include a Work Area control in a composite portal. This facility depends on rules of various types:

 zzzStep 1. Drag and drop the Work Area control

Create a section rule to hold the Work Area control. For the Applies To class, select @baseclass, Data-Portal, or a Work- class.

A new section contains an initial layout, in Smart Layout format. From the Layout tab:

  1. Add a second layout, of type Free Form with one row and one column, below the Smart Layout.
  2. Delete the original Smart Layout.
  3. Click the down-arrow (Arrow) at the right end of the Advanced control group (Layout group) and select the Work Area control (Menu).
  4. Drag the control. When the pointer changes shape to indicate that you can drop the layout, release the mouse button.

 zzzStep 2. Complete the Cell Properties panel — Top fields

Parameters to the standard HTML property rule WorkArea control the display.




Retain the placeholder property pyTemplateDocumentView. (This property is not used.)

Display As

Retain the default HTML property rule WorkArea. Click the magnifying glass icon (Pencil) to enter parameters for the control. Complete the following parameters:




Not used. Leave blank.



  • No to create a Single Document Interface control, allowing the user to open only a single work object form.
  • Yes to create a Multiple Document Interface control, allowing the user to open multiple tabbed work objects.

SmartPromptSelect Stretch in most cases to cause the runtime presentation to expand to the entire height offered by the enclosing section.

Select Fixed to limit the runtime presentation to a fixed height in pixels; scroll bars appear at runtime as needed.

Open by Default

ArrayIf the Tabbed parameter value is Yes, complete at least one row of the Open by Default array to label and identify the contents of each tab. Order is significant.


Enter brief text to appear as the label of this tab.

Harness Class

Identify the Applies To key part of a harness rule.

Harness Name

Identify the Purpose key part of a harness rule.

Auto Refresh

Select to cause automatic refresh of the runtime harness display when the user clicks the tab to make it frontmost.


AdvancedOptional. If the Tabbed parameter value is No, you can force execution to occur in a specific requestor Thread. Enter the Thread name.

Leave blank in most cases to use the default Thread, Standard.

Default Action

SmartPrompt If the Tabbed parameter value is No, select to determine the automatic processing that is to occur when the section is initially presented:

  • None — No automatic processing; the form area is initially empty.
  • Display — Present a work object form.
  • Create New Work — Start a flow execution that creates a new work object.
  • Get Next Work — Search for an appropriate assignment to present to this use next.

If you selected Display for the Document Action parameter, complete these additional parameters:



Class Name

SmartPromptIdentify the Applies To key part of a harness rule.

Harness Name

SmartPromptIdentify the Purpose key part of a harness rule.

Read Only

Select to present the runtime harness display in read-only mode, disallowing all input.


Optional. Identify a clipboard page name to support the runtime harness display.


SmartPrompt Optional. Identify the second key part — Model Name — of a model rule to provide initial values on the clipboard page. To find this model at runtime, the system uses the Class Name value as the first key part.


Optional. You can pass parameter values to sections within the harness using a special syntax:

paramname1=paramvalue1; paramname2=paramvalue2; ...

where paramname is the parameter name and paramvalue is a literal constant within double quote characters, or a property reference of the form pagename.propname. For example:

Length="20"; Width=pyWorkPage.Width;

If you selected Create New Work for the Document Action parameter, complete these additional parameters to identify the starter flow:



Class Name

SmartPromptIdentify the Applies To key part of a flow rule that creates a new work object, as a literal value or a property reference.

Flow Name

SmartPromptIdentify the Flow Type key part of a flow rule that creates a new work object, as a literal value or a property reference.


Optional. You can pass parameter values to the flow rule using a special syntax:

paramname1 = paramvalue1; paramname2=paramvalue2; ...

where paramname is the parameter name and paramvalue is a literal constant within double quote characters, or a property reference of the form pagename.propname. For example:

Length="20"; Width=pyWorkPage.Width;

If you selected Get Next Work for the Document Action parameter, complete an additional parameters:




Optional. You can pass parameter values to the Work-getNextWorkObject activity (or your activity built to perform such processing) using a special syntax:

paramname1=paramvalue1; paramname2=paramvalue2; ....

where paramname is the parameter name and paramvalue is a literal constant within single quote characters, or a property reference of the form pagename.propname. For example:

Length="20"; Width="200";


Leave blank. Not used.

 zzz3. Complete the Cell Properties panel — General tab

Complete the General tab.

The General tab for a Work Area control is identical to the General tab for an Input box. See Adding an Input Box — Complete the Cell Properties Panel — General tab.

 zzz4. Complete the Cell Properties panel — Advanced tab

Complete the Advanced tab.

The Advanced tab for a check box is identical to the Advanced tab for an Input box. See Adding an Input Box — Complete the Cell Properties Panel — Advanced tab.

zzz About Harness rules

zzz About Section rules