Use planning and care in creating class rules. Note
these features and limitations.
Within this help system, the term class refers to a
Rule-Obj-Class instance. The terms Java
class, Java method, and Java object refer to the Java
program files and objects.
A concrete class derived from the Rule- base
class is sometimes called a rule type. A concrete
class derived from the Work- base class is sometimes called a
work type.
Version locking
Although class rules are associated with a RuleSet and
a version, they do not belong to any specific version of that
Locking a RuleSet version (by checking the Lock
this Version box) does not prevent later changes to
class rules associated with the RuleSet, if any version of
that RuleSet is not locked.
When all versions of a RuleSet are locked, you cannot
update or delete classes associated with that RuleSet.
Application names
If you define a class derived from the Work-
base class that is also the name of a class group, complete
the Short Description carefully. Choose a
description that is meaningful to application users.
Often, all the work types in an application belong to
one class group; it is known as a work pool. If you selected
is a class group
on the General tab, the Short
Description on the Class form appears as an
application name on the portal. For users linked to
that work pool through their access group, the Short
Description text appears below the logo on the
portal navigation panel. The application name determines the
work types available when users enter new work objects.
For example, for the standard class named
PegaSample-, the Short
Description is Sample Work
Final hyphen character in class names
By convention, a class name ending in a dash or hyphen (-) is
an abstract class, with properties and attributes that are
inherited by other abstract or concrete classes derived from
it. As a best practice, follow this convention in the classes
your development team creates.
Container class for a Class group
Special planning and care is required to create the
classes that together are to become a class group:
- Create one class first (known informally as the
container class). Identify or define the properties
that form its key, and record these properties in the Key
area of the Class form. All classes derived from that class
group (based on pattern inheritance) will share this key
- Create the class group instance, with the container
class name as the class group name. (This occurs
automatically in many cases.)
- Update the container class rule to reflect that it now
is within the newly created class group.
- Create other classes that are to be in the class group,
and associate them with the class group (no explicit key
Reviewing class inheritance
Use the Class Inheritance diagram to confirm which
classes are ancestor classes to a specific class, and the
order in which Process Commander searches these classes
during rule resolution using both pattern inheritance and
directed inheritance. Select the Inheritance item
from the Related Rules menu (
) to view the
diagram. See
About the Class Inheritance diagram.
History classes
When you create certain classes, the system automatically
creates a related history class with a similar name, but
derived from the History- base class. For
example, if you create a class named MyCo-LoanApplications,
the system also creates the class
External classes
An external class is a concrete class that corresponds to a
table in an external database rather than a table in the
PegaRULES database. Use the Connector and Metadata
accelerator to create an external class, associated
properties, and the database table instance. See
the Connector and Metadata accelerator.
Deleting classes
You cannot delete a class rule that contains subclasses or
that contains instances.
To delete a class rule, use the Delete a Class tool.
Select Tools > Rule Management > Delete a
Class to start the tool. See About
the Delete a Class tool.
If the associated History- class contains no
instances, deleting a class that has an associated
History- class deletes the History-
class too (if it has no instances), and all rules that apply
to that class.
Renaming a class
No check-out; always available
class, base class,
group, concrete
class, directed
inheritance, external
class, inheritance,
class, pattern
inheritance, rule
resolution, work pool |
Atlas —
Standard classes
About Class rules