The Run Rule feature enables
you to test a flow rule individually before testing it in the
context of the entire application you are developing.
You specify a test page for
the rule to use, provide sample data as the input, run the
rule, and examine the results. Additionally, if Automated
Testing is enabled, you can save the test data and its
results as a test case
The Run Rule feature is available only for starting flows
— that is, flows that have the Creates a new work
object option selected on their Process tabs. So to test subflows and screen
flows, you run the main flow that calls them.
For general information about the Run Rule feature,
including a list of the clipboard pages that are generated when
a rule runs, see How to test a rule with
the Run Rule feature.
Run the rule
To run the flow, complete the following steps:
- Save the rule.
- If desired, select Edit > Preferences to review and update if desired the Run Process In settings in the General group of preferences. These determine the portal rule, skin rule, and window type of the flow execution. See Developer Portal — Setting preferences.
- Click the Run button
- In the Test Page section, specify which page to use as
the main page. Do one of the following:
- Select Create or Reset Test page.
Then, in the Apply field, select the
model to use for the test page.
- If Automated Testing is enabled, select Run
Against a saved test case. Then choose an
individual test case, or all test cases from the
drop-down list.
- When an individual test case is chosen, a short description of the test case is displayed along with who created it and the date it was created on.
- For each individual test case, select Show Saved Results to display a list of all previously saved results for that test case.
- If Automated
Testing is enabled, you can click Save as Test
Case to
create a test case rule that holds the test data and
the results. For information about running test
cases, see Pega Developer Network article
PRKB-25103 How to
execute flow rule test cases.
- If Automated Testing is enabled, select Jump
to Flow Marker. Then choose a flow marker from
the drop-down list. For more information, see Pega
Developer Network article
PRKB-25104 How to create and use
a flow marker.- You can click Save Flow
Marker to save a flow marker that allows you
to jump directly to a specific point in the flow rule
without having to input the same information to reach
that point.
- Click Reset Page & Run Flow . The system either creates a new test
page or copies one, and then starts a flow rule execution, allowing you to create a work object. The type of window, the portal, and the skin rule (styles and appearance) of the work object form depend on the Run Process In preferences you set in step 2 above.
- In the test section of the Run Rule window, step through
each decision or assignment, providing representative input
in each step. Click Create Page and Run
Rule to progress
to the next form.
- Run through the rule as many times as necessary, testing
each possible path. Use the gold Where-Am-I? arrow
to see
where an assignment is located in the flow rule diagram.
Repeat as necessary using different model rules, or alter
the clipboard contents and perform the test again.
About Flow rules