Optional. Enter a positive integer less than 99 to
cause the system to increase the urgency of an assignment
as soon as this service level becomes associated with the
Assignment Ready
Indicate how the system determines the starting time
for assignments (or work objects) associated with this
service level rule. In most cases, choose
Immediately :
Immediately — Assignments
associated with service levels are immediately sent to
a worklist, a workbasket, or to a Directed Web Access
e-mail. This setting indicates that the assignee can
work on the assignment as it is created — as soon
as it arrives on the worklist or workbasket.
Define from a Property —
Instructs Process Commander to use a
DateTime property value you specify to
determine when the assignee can optimally begin work on
the assignment.
Interval from assignment creation
— Sets a delay period (defined in other fields)
before the assignee can start work on this assignment.
For example, you can compute a start time for the
assignment seven days after it is created. If you
choose this option, complete Days,
Hours, Minutes, and
Seconds fields for the
In some situations it is
beneficial for the application to create an assignment
but not realistic to expect a user to start work on the
assignment for a while. This computed field identifies a
recommended but not binding "not-before" date
and time for an assignment associated with a service
level. It determines the value of the
Assign-.pyActionTime property.
For example, if completing the assignment depends on a
user accessing end-of-trading-day security prices, the
start time of the assignment can be set to 4:30 p.m. New
York time, when many United States security markets
The system derives the computed start date and time
value independently from the goal and deadline date and
time values.
Select whether you want goal and
deadline times to be fixed, constant intervals recorded
on this form, or the value of a DateTime property:
Interval from when assignment is ready — Enter fixed numeric values in the Days and HH:MM:SS fields to define goal and deadline intervals.
Set to the value of a property —
Goals and deadlines are defined as the value of a
property rather than fixed intervals.
For example, a mortgage or bond may have a known,
fixed maturity date that doesn't depend on when
processing starts on it. A property in the work object,
not a fixed time interval, may become the goal or
deadline date.
Repeating interval from deadline .. Times
If you entered values in the Passed Deadline fields, enter a positive integer to
limit how many times the system runs post-deadline
processing in that column. At runtime, this value is copied from the rule into the assignment property Assign-.pxLateMaximum.
At runtime, the integer property Assign-.pxLateExecuteCount records how many times the late event has occurred for an assignment. Your application can access this value; do not update this system-maintained value.
Get DateTime
This field appears only when
Define from a Property is selected for the
Assignment Ready field.
Identify a property that at runtime is the source of an
absolute date and time value. The value of that property
when the assignment (or work object) is created becomes
the start date and time for this use of the rule.
Reference a
property with a DateTime type here; you
cannot use Date properties.
The system uses
the value of this property to compute the deadline time
(property Work-.pySLADeadline) and goal time
(property Work-.pySLAGoal) for the
assignment only once, when the assignment is created.
Later changes to the value of this property do not
automatically cause any recomputation of these times.
Define up to three time intervals in this area,
corresponding to a goal, a deadline, and a post-deadline
late period. When each of the three time intervals is
reached (and assignment processing is not complete), an
agent runs the corresponding activity.
The goal interval and deadline interval are not
sequential; both time intervals start when the associated
assignment (or work object) is created. The first Passed Deadline period
starts at the deadline event.
For example, assume the three values are one, two, and
seven calendar days:
- An assignment using this service level rule that is
created at noon on March 1 will reach the goal at noon
on March 2.
- If the assignment remains open, it reaches the
deadline at noon on March 3.
- The first repeating interval occurs at noon on
March 10. The second repeating interval occurs at noon
on March 17.
The Passed Deadline values are
You can use properties to define the goal time and
deadline time.
Four fields define the interval.
Enter a positive number into at least one of the three
fields; they are additive.
Enter the number of days after the assignment is
created until the start date and time value.
Enter the number of hours (0 to 23), minutes (0 to 59) and seconds (0 to 59) after the
assignment is created until the start date and time
This row appears only when you select Set to the
value of a property in the previous field.
Identify two properties of type DateTime
that contain the absolute goal and deadline dates times
when this service rule is first applied to an assignment
or work object. You cannot use properties to define the
interval duration, only the goal or deadline end date and
Take care to
design your application so that these property values are
in the future at that moment, or service level escalation
occurs as soon as the assignment is created.
Business days
If you selected Interval from when assignment is
ready , check this box to interpret the interval in
business days, using information from a calendar of
workdays and holidays defined by a Calendar data instance
(Data-Admin-Calendar class). If you leave this box
cleared, the calculation is based on calendar days.
Optional. Enter a positive integer between 1 and 99 in
any of these three fields to cause the urgency of an
assignment to increase if the assignment remains
unprocessed when the time is reached. (The system limits
the urgency to a maximum value of 100.)
Goal — If an assignment
remains open when the goal time is reached, the
system adds this value to urgency value of the
Deadline — If an assignment
remains open when the deadline time is reached, the
system adds this value to urgency value of the
- Repeating Interval — If an
assignment remains open when any repeating interval
ends, the system adds this value to urgency value of
the assignment, once for each repeating interval.
Escalation activity
Specify the activities to execute automatically when an assignment remains
unperformed, or a work object remains open, after a deadline,
goal, or repeating interval time is reached. All data are
When you identify an activity that requires parameters,
click Params to
enter parameter values.
Escalation activities are performed in background by a Java
thread of the Pega-ProCom agent; these activities
cannot include user interaction.