You can test a Parse XML rule directly, separate from the
activity or other context in your application in which it will
ultimately operate.
For a simple test, obtain an XML document containing test
data. You can choose to type or paste the data into a form,
store it in a local Windows file, or upload it into a text file
Conducting the test
For basics of unit testing, see Unit testing a rule with
the Run toolbar button.
- Save the Parse XML form.
- Click the Run toolbar button (
) or the equivalent keyboard shortcut
+ R
. A test window opens.
- Select a radio button to indicate the source of test
- If the data is to be entered directly, type or paste the
data into the text area. If the data is in a local file,
click Browse
and navigate to the file. Click OK . If the test data is in a text
file rule, enter all three key parts of the rule separated by
- Click Execute .
A resulting XML document appears in a new window, showing
properties and the corresponding values. The clipboard is not
Using the Tracer
To trace Parse XML rules, select the Parse
Rules check box in the Rule Types to
Trace area of the Trace Options panel. See Tracer —
Setting Options.
About Parse XML rules