Use the Request tab to map the
incoming data to properties on the clipboard.
Specify the message type of the messages to be
processed by this service rule:
Empty Message — Contains no data
in the message body. You map header values and
properties only.
Text Message — Contains one
java.lang.String object.
Object Message — Contains one
serializable Java object.
Bytes Message — Contains a
stream of bytes with no explicit structure.
Stream Message — Contains a
stream of Java primitive values, Java objects, or byte
arrays. Map their values in the order in which they
appear in the stream in the Message
Data section.
Map Message — A list of
name/value pairs with names as String objects and
values as String or other Java objects, Java primitive
types, or byte arrays.
Message Headers
Use the fields in this section to map any data of interest
from the header fields of the JMS message.
Select the type of
JMS message header:
JMSType — A value that has
meaning to the application sending the message. For
example, the values of the JMSType header
can be used as message selector criteria by the JMS
listener that routes messages to this service
JMSMessageID — Identifier value
that is automatically returned in the JMSCorrelationID
property of the response header.
JMSCorrelationID — An optional
text value available to link a series of messages.
JMSDestination — The Queue name
or Topic name from which this message originated.
JMSReplyTo — Topic or Queue name
to reply to, or the literal NULL .
JMSDeliveryMode — One of the
literal values NON_PERSISTENT or
JMSPriority — A priority value 0
to 9.
JMSTimeStamp — Time the message
JMSExpiration — Optional target
delivery time, set by the sender client. Zero indicates
that a message never expires.
JMSRedelivered — True if this is
a possible duplicate because of redelivery.
Specify the destination or type of destination
for the value. Typically, Clipboard is the
correct option to choose.
In unusual cases, select XML ParseRule, Delimited ParseRule , Structured
ParseRule , HTML PostData , or a
function in a MapTo library.
Map To
Specify the key to locating the property or
the rule in the destination specified in the Map
To field:
- If the Map To value is
Clipboard , enter the property name to
which the data is to be mapped.
- If the Map To value is a
Rule-Utility-Function from a
library, either select a property to hold the results
of the function or leave this field blank, as
appropriate for the function.
You can map the data to the parameter page of the
activity rather than the primary page by using the
param keyword.
Message Properties
Use the fields in this section to map data from any JMS
properties defined by the application sending the request.
Process Commander provides four application-specific JMS
properties that the sender can use to provide information about
the messages consumed by JMS services. (See
More about JMS Listeners for details on these properties.)
You do not need to map the values of those properties —
they are processed automatically.
Use this section to map message properties defined by the
external application, not by Process Commander.
Select the
data type of the message property, one of the Java
primitive data types String ,
Boolean , Byte ,
Integer , Short ,
Long , Float , or
Double .
Enter a short text description of the message
Specify the destination or the type of destination for
the value in Process Commander. This field presents a
subset of the following options, as appropriate for the
data type you specified:
Clipboard — Map to the page name
or property on the clipboard specified by the
Map To Key field.
XML ParseRule — The incoming
data is a stream of XML to be parsed using the actions
defined in a parse XML rule.
Delimited ParseRule — The
incoming data is in a delimited format to be processed
by a delimited parse rule.
Structured Parserule — The
incoming data has a fixed format with fixed-length
fields to be processed by a structured parse rule.
HTML PostData — The incoming
data value from the sending application is a stream of
data from an HTML form that contains property key/value
pairs in POST format.
If more choices appear, they identify a custom
function rule in a MapTo library. Review the
function rule to determine what it does.
Map To
Specify the key to locating the property or
the rule in the destination specified in the Map
To field:
- If the Map To value is
Clipboard , enter the property name to
which the data is to be mapped.
- If the Map To value is
Parse Rule , enter the Namespace
name (second key part) and the Element
Name name — third key part — of
the appropriate XML parse rule. Separate the
Namespace from the Element
Name with a space. That is, use the syntax
"NamespaceName ElementName" and not
"NamespaceName.ElementName." The system uses
the page class of this service rule as the first key
part of the parse rule.
To maintain
backward compatibility for service rules created in
releases before V5.2, you can specify a data mapping
with only a Namespace value. In that
case, the system determines the Element
Name key at runtime from the root element of
the incoming XML document. However, this mapping
works only if the Parser Type of the
XML parse rule is set to DOM and
validation is not enabled. As a best practice,
specify both the Namespace Name and
the Element Name of the rule.
- If the Map To value is
Delimited ParseRule , enter the
Namespace and Record
Type names (second and third key parts) of the
appropriate delimited parse rule. The system uses the
Applies To class of this service rule
as the first key part of the parse rule.
- If the Map To value is
Structured ParseRule , enter the
Record Type (third key part) of a
structured parse rule. The system uses the
Applies To class of this service rule
as the first key to the parse rule.
- If the Map To value is a
Rule-Utility-Function from a
library, either select a property to hold the results
of the function or leave this field blank, as
appropriate for the function.
- If the Map To value is
PostData , leave this field blank. The name/value
pairs in the string will be mapped to the parameter
page of the service activity rather than the primary
Message Data
Use the fields in this section to map the data from the body
of the message. Note the following:
- If the Message Type is set to
Empty Message
, do not create any rows in this
- If the Message Type is set to
, include one row only in this section. The
data type of the mapping must be set to String.
- If the Message Type is set to
Object Message
, include one row only in this
section. The data type of the mapping must be set to
- If the Message Type is set to
Stream Message
, create data mappings for each of
the items in the stream in the order in which they will be
Select the
data type of the item you are mapping, one of the Java
primitive data types String ,
Boolean , Byte ,
Integer , Short ,
Long , Float , and
Double . If you selected a Message
Type of Object ,
Stream , or Map , an additional
data type of Object is available.
Applies only when the Message Type is
set to Map Message . Enter the name of the
item you are mapping. Process Commander uses it as the
lookup name for the item in the incoming list.
Enter a short description of the item you are
Specify the destination or the type of destination for
the value in Process Commander. For the list of options,
see the description of the Map To field
from the Message Properties section.
Map To
Specify the key to locating the property or
the rule in the destination specified in the Map
To field. For the list of options, see the
description of the Map To Key from the
Message Properties section.
About Service JMS rules