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If the JMS service uses the Point-to-Point
messaging model and the request messages will have a queue or
topic specified in their JMSReplyTo
header fields,
use the Response tab to specify how
the service rule constructs the response to be sent. You can
set up more than one response, based on conditions. (If the JMS
service uses the Publish-Subscribe
model, responses are not expected; leave this tab blank.)
The list of response conditions is evaluated in order, and
the first condition that evaluates to true
determines the response data returned to the client. The system
sends responses to the queue specified in the
header value in the request
Response Condition
Specify conditions that determine the format
and content of the response message.
Default — Process Commander does
not evaluate the data. It returns the specified
response message data. Enter Default in
the last row in the array.
When — The system evaluates the
when condition specified by the When
Key field. If true, it returns the response
message data. If false, it continue evaluating the next
when condition rule in the list. If all specified when
condition rules are false, it returns the default
response data. Use this feature to extend the normal
set of fatal error conditions that result in exceptions
returned to the client, such as inappropriate inputs to
the service activity or other tests you define.
Queue When — The system
evaluates the when condition rule specified by the When Key field. If the condition
evaluates to true , the system queues the
service request and returns the queue item ID of the
service request.
If you configure a Queue When condition, you must specify a
request processor in the Request
Processor field on the Service tab. For more information, see
the Pega Developer
Network article PRKB-25031 How to create a service
that queues failed service requests for another
Mapping Error — If an error
occurs while mapping incoming data from the request
message to the clipboard, Process Commander returns the
specified response message data. If the list of
response conditions does not include an entry for
mapping errors, Process Commander returns a standard
error report message to the client application.
Security Error — If an error
occurs while authenticating the application client
credentials, Process Commander returns the specified
response message data. If the list of response
conditions does not include an entry for security
errors, Process Commander returns a standard error
report message to the client application.
Service Error — If a valid
instance of the service activity cannot be found, the
system sends the specified response message data. If
the list of response conditions does not include an
entry for service errors, the system returns a standard
error report message to the client application.
Optional. If the Condition value is When or Queue When , specify the name — second
key part — of the when condition rule to be
For example, your service activity can set a property
value to 0 initially, and to a positive integer when it
detects any application-related issues. The when
condition rule can test whether the property has a
non-zero value.
Select the type of
the response:
None — No response is sent.
Empty Message — Contains a
message with headers and/or message properties, but no
message data.
Text Message — Contains one java.lang.String object.
Object Message — Contains one
serializable Java object
Bytes Message — Contains a
stream of bytes with no explicit structure.
Stream Message — Contains a
stream of Java primitive values, Java objects, or byte
arrays. Map their values in the order in which they are
to appear in the response.
Map Message — Contains a list of
name/value pairs with names as string objects and
values as string or other Java objects, Java primitive
types, or byte arrays.
Indicate whether the system is to keep this
requestor session open, or close it after it sends the
response message for this condition.
If the requestor session is left open, the client
application can reuse this requestor session by
referencing it in the PegaRULES_SessionID property of the next request message.
Message Headers
Click the triangle to access these fields. If the response is to include JMS headers, complete the
fields in this section.
Select the type of
JMS message header:
JMSType — A value that has
meaning to the application sending the message. For
example, the values of the JMSType header
can be used as message selector criteria by the JMS
listener that routes messages to this service
JMSCorrelationID — the JMS
listener that routes messages to this service rule
automatically copies the value from the JMSMessageID message header from the
request message to this header in the response. To
override the default value for JMSCorrelationID , map a value for it on
this tab.
JMSDeliveryMode — One of the
JMSPriority — A priority value 0
to 9.
JMSTimeToLive — A value in
milliseconds that specifies how long the message should
stay on the queue.
Enter a short description of the header.
Specify the source or the type of source of
the value in Process Commander:
Clipboard — The source is a
property or a page on the clipboard.
Constant — The source is a fixed
value that does not change.
XML Stream — The source is a
stream of XML data formatted by an XML Stream rule.
HTML Stream — The source is a
stream of HTML data formatted by an HTML rule.
HTML Frame — The source is a
stream of HTML data generated by the service
If more choices appear, they each identify a custom
function rule in a MapFrom library. Review
the function rule to determine what it does.
Map From
Specify the key to locating the property or
rule in the source specified in the Map
From field:
- If the Map From value is
Clipboard , enter the reference to the
- If the Map From value is
Constant , enter a literal text string. To
include blank spaces in your text string, surround the
string with double quotes.
- If the Map From value is
Stream , enter either the Stream
Name (second key) of the appropriate XML Stream rule
or a page name and stream name using the syntax
PageName.StreamName. (The page must be present on the
clipboard when the service rule runs for rule
resolution to find the rule.) If you specify the stream
name only, the system uses the Page
Class of this service rule (on the Service tab) as the first
key part of the HTML rule.
- If the Map From value is
HTML Stream , enter either the Stream Name (second key) of the
appropriate HTML rule or a page name and stream name
using the syntax PageName.StreamName. (The page must be
present on the clipboard when the service rule runs for
rule resolution to find the rule.) If you specify the
stream name only, the system uses the Page
Class of this service rule (on the Service tab) as the first
key part of the HTML rule.
- If the Map From value is
HTML Frame , enter the name of the Frame
specified in the Show-HTML step of the service
activity. Use this to return data from activities that
were originally written for interactive browser clients
and use the Show-HTML method.
- If the Map From value is a
Rule-Utility-Function from a
MapFrom library, either select the property that holds the
value to be processed by the function or leave this
field blank, as appropriate for the function.
Message Properties
Use the fields in this section to map data for any JMS
properties defined by the application sending the request.
Process Commander provides four application-specific JMS
properties that contain information for response messages. (See More about JMS Listeners for details on these properties.)
Do not map the values of those properties — they are
managed by the listener and are included only when
Select the
data type of the message property, one of the Java
primitive data types String , Boolean , Byte , Integer , Short , Long , Float , or Double .
Enter a short description of the message property.
Specify the source or the type of source of
the value in Process Commander. See the options described
above for the Message Header section.
Map From
Specify the key to locating the property or
rule in the source specified in the Map
From field. See the options listed above for the Message Header section.
Message Data
Use the fields in this section to define the body of the
response message. Note the following:
- If the Message Type is set to
Empty Message
, do not create any rows in this
- If the Message Type is set to
, include one row only in this section. The
data type of the mapping must be set to String
- If the Message Type is set to
Object Message
, include one row only in this
section. The data type of the mapping must be set to Object
- If the Message Type is set to
Stream Message
, create data mappings for each of
the items in the stream in the order in which they will be
Select the
data type of the item you are mapping, one of the Java
primitive data types String , Boolean , Byte , Integer , Short , Long , Float , or Double .
Enter a short description of the item you are
Specify the source or the type of source of
the value in Process Commander. See the options above for
the Message Header section.
Map From
Specify the key to locating the property or
rule in the source specified in the Map
From field. See the options listed above for the Message Header section.
If this is a Queue When mapping or
the mapping for a service that processes service requests
asynchronously, enter Param.pxQueueItemID .
For information see Pega Developer Network articles PRKB-25031 How to
create a service that queues failed service requests for
another attempt or PRKB-25030 How to create a
service that processes requests asynchronously.
About Service JMS rules