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The Authentication accelerator helps you configure your Process Commander system to use an LDAP-compliant directory server to authenticate users.

The accelerator creates an authentication service data object (Data-Admin-AuthService) that holds the connection information for the LDAP directory. It also specifies two standard activities that use the connection information to bind to the directory server, authenticate the users, and re-authenticate users if their sessions expire.

As described in About Authentication Service data instances, there are two parts to an authentication service: the data object itself and a servlet definition in the Process Commander web.xml file that refers to the data object.

The web.xml file contains three servlet definitions: WebLDAP1, WebLDAP2, and so on. By choosing a name for an authentication service object that matches one of these predefined servlet definitions, you can implement up to three authentication service configurations without editing the web.xml file.

NoteChanges to a web.xml file are effective only after undeploying and then redeploying Process Commander.

For more information, see PDNAuthentication in PegaRULES Process Commander, a document on the Pega Developer Network.


Before you begin, gather the following information:

Starting the accelerator

To start the Authentication accelerator:

  1. Return to the Developer portal home page.
  2. ClickIntegration to access the Integration slice.
  3. Click the Authentication Accelerator link in the Wizards area.

The accelerator starts. Click the help button (Help) on any form for help about that form.

Related topics About Authentication Service data instances

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