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Use the Clipboard tool when developing and debugging to:

 zzz Basics

Select Tools > Clipboard or type the keyboard shortcut CTRL + B to open the Clipboard tool.

The clipboard has a hierarchical structure based on XML. It resides in memory on the server. As you interact with the Clipboard tool at your workstation, you see a static snapshot copy. Choose Refresh from the Action menu at any time to update the snapshot.

The Clipboard tool displays two panels:

Click the Help button (Help) at the top right for more details on the display.

You can control whether the Clipboard tool opens in a new window or in the lower half of the Developer workspace.

  1. Select Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select or clear the Clipboard box in the Tools group.
  3. Click  Save  .

 zzz The left panel shows structures

left panelThe left panel presents the entire clipboard as a tree, growing from the left.

Two types of pages are grouped for quick access: User Pages and Declare Pages.

Click a name or plus sign (zzz) to expand any node in the left panel to view the page structure it contains. Click again or click a minus sign (zzz) to collapse (hide) the pages within a page.

If one of the User Pages holds a work object, that page is initially selected in this panel, and details for that page appear in the right panel.


 zzz The right panel contains property values

zzzWhen you select a page in the left panel, all Value List, Value Group, and Single Value properties on that page appear in the right panel, sorted by property name. Property messages appear in red text.

Use the left panel to click the page (either top-level or embedded) that contains the property.

 zzz Limitations

Refresh to present current information

As you work, the system creates and updates clipboard pages related to your work. However, these changes are not automatically reflected in the Clipboard tool display. Click Refresh from the Action menu to send the latest clipboard contents to your workstation.

Measuring the size of the clipboard

The Clipboard display shows the contents of the clipboard, but not its size in bytes. Large clipboards can affect performance because memory in the Java Virtual Machine supporting Process Commander holds the clipboards of all requestors.

What properties don't appear?

The Clipboard display doesn't include properties with names that start with pz. These standard properties support internal operations.

To see pz properties and other clipboard entries that aren't truly properties, right-click in the left panel and select Show XML. To see the contents of unnamed pages, use the Tracer.

The primary pages of some activities are not named and don't appear on the Clipboard display. The parameter page of an activity is not part of the clipboard. Use the Tracer to view these pages.

Properties of mode Java Object, Java Object Group, and Java Object List do not appear on the Clipboard tool display.

The Application page contains much, but not all, of the properties that make up the requestor's application rule.

Privileges required

The Clipboard tool is available only to users who have access to the @baseclass.clipboardViewer privilege. Action menu items that update the clipboard contents are available only to users who hold the @baseclass.clipboardViewerUpdate privilege.

The standard access role PegaRULES:SysAdm4 provides these privileges.

 zzz Debugging with the Clipboard tool

Several methods manipulate the clipboard. As you execute activities that affect your clipboard, you can examine the results with the Clipboard tool.

For example, when you execute an activity that contains a Page-New method, you can see the resulting named top-level page in the User Pages section. If you execute an activity that uses the Property-Set method (on a named clipboard page), you can see the new values.

 zzz Troubleshooting

Installation of a newer JVM version after Process Commander is installed may affect this tool. See Troubleshooting — Developer tools.

Definitions embedded page, page message, process page, property message, reference property, requestor page, thread page, top-level page, user page
Related topics About the Performance tool
Understanding page names and reserved pages
Debugging with the Tracer
Page-New method
Property-Set method

Using the Clipboard tool

zzzTools, accelerators, and wizards