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Use the Date/Time Parse Tester tool to test whether a text input matches the DateTime patterns used by Process Commander, which is based directly on Java standards.

Starting the tester

  1. Use the Class Explorer to open the standard activity Code-Pega-Parse.DTParseTester.
  2. Click the toolbar Run button (Run). A test input form appears.
  3. Select No test page. Click  Run Rule .
  4. Leave the parameter values blank. Click  Execute .
  5. Complete the input fields on the form:



Date/Time Pattern

Enter a pattern. The count of pattern letters identifies a format:

  • G  — Era designator, for example AD
  • y — Year, for example 1996
  • M — Month in year, for example July or 07
  • d — Day in month, for example 10
  • h — Hour in A.M./P.M. format, 1 to 12
  • H — Hour in day format, 0 to 23
  • m — Minute in hour, for example 30
  • s — Second
  • S — Millisecond
  • E — Day in week, for example Tuesday
  • Z — Time zone, for example Pacific Standard Time

For a comprehensive description of the syntax, see MSIE

Test Case

Enter text that may contain a date or date/time formatted with the pattern.



  • Use default locale — The current locale of your requestor session is used
  • Specify a locale — Select a locale from a list.


  • Use default timezone — The current locale of the server node is used (not the time zone in your workstation or Operator ID instance)
  • Specify a timezone — Select a locale from a list.

6. Click  Test Parsing  .

7. The system searches the Test Case text for a conforming date or date/time value. If found, it converts the value into a Process Commander internal format and displays the results.




Definitions free text rules, locale
Related topics Internationalization and Localization — Concepts and terms
Understanding the Date, Time of Day and DateTime property types

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