Step 4: Are Any Rules Checked Out |
If the wizard finds that rules to be modified are checked out, this page displays a warning. Click Display to open a report of the checked out rules. From the report window you can open the rules or click Export to Excel to save a list of the rules in a spreadsheet.
You can continue the search and replace process with checked out rules. However, the results may be unexpected (see the Note below.) To be sure that the results of this operation are as you expect:
Click Next>> to continue, ignoring this warning.
Click <<Back to return to a previous step. Click Cancel and then click Done to exit the wizard.
If you continue with checked-out rules, the original rule and the checked out rule will be changed only if the operator running the wizard is the same as the operator who checked out the rule, and the string is not a key part of the rule. In all other cases, only the original rule will be changed, and the checked out instances of the rule will not be modified. As a result, the checked out instances will no longer be able to be checked in and changes to the checked out instances will be lost.