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A shortcut is a saved URL value that simplifies retesting activities and reports in your application. Using shortcuts, you can avoid the need to repeatedly retype parameter values for test cases.

Using the Shortcuts Manager tool, you can group, label, arrange, update, and delete shortcuts.

 zzz Creating an activity shortcut

To create a new activity shortcut:

  1. Open an activity rule.
  2. Click the Run toolbar button (Run).
  3. Click  Run Rule   to display parameter fields.
  4. Enter literal constants for input parameters, as desired.
  5. Click  Add to Shortcuts  .
  6. A window appears. In the ShortCut Name field, enter a text label for this shortcut. Choose a unique name for each shortcut your create. You can use spaces and special characters in the name.
  7. Click  Save  . The shortcut is added and the Organize Shortcuts window appears.

You can define many shortcuts for one activity, supplying various parameter values and giving each one a unique name.

 zzz Creating a report shortcut

To create a new report shortcut:

  1. Open a list value or summary value rule.
  2. Click the Run toolbar button (Run).
  3. Click  Add to Shortcuts  .
  4. A window appears. In the ShortCut Name field, enter a text label for this shortcut. Choose a unique name for each shortcut your create. You can use spaces and special characters in the name.
  5. Click  Save  . The shortcut is added and the Organize Shortcuts window appears.

 zzz Using a shortcut

After you define a shortcut, you can quickly re-execute the rule. For an activity, you can re-execute the rule using the parameter values that you saved with the shortcut.

  1. Select View > My Shortcuts. The submenu may contain top-level items with icons for folders (folder), activities (List View), list view rules (List View), and summary view rules (Summary View) in the submenu below the Organize Shortcuts menu item.
  2. Navigate through the folder structure to select the shortcut to execute.
  3. Results appear in a new window.

NoteThe shortcut specifies only visible key of the rule to be executed, not the RuleSet or version. When you execute a shortcut, the system uses rule resolution to find the rule to run. The rule executed may be a higher version or in a RuleSet other than the rule used earlier to define the shortcut. For example, if you have checked out an activity, the checked-out copy executes.

 zzz Organizing shortcuts with the Shortcut Manager

Select View > My Shortcuts> Organize Shortcuts.. to organize, rename, delete, or update your shortcuts. See Help: Organizing shortcuts.

 zzz Notes

When you execute a shortcut, the system uses rule resolution to locate the activity rule. The activity that runs is the one that matches the Applies To class (with no class inheritance) and Activity Name in the URL and is appears in the highest RuleSet version on your RuleSet list. If you checked out this activity, the checked-out copy runs.

The system saves your shortcuts as an instance of the System-User-MyRules class, with these key parts:

You can define up to 1,000 shortcuts.
Use the Organize Shortcuts facility, not the My Rules form, to maintain shortcuts.

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