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Setting breakpoints

Use the Breakpoint buttonBreakpoint button to access the Breakpoint Configuration form. You can set break points for specific steps in activities.

zzzTo see a list of activities:

1. Select an Applies To class from the list in the Class Name field. Wait until a list of appears.

2. Select an activity in this class.

3. Complete the Where to Break field. Select the step before which you want processing to pause. Select at entry or 1 to break when the activity starts. To break for each step, choose all steps.

4. Click  Set Break  . The form changes list the added breakpoint.

5. To remove a break, check the Remove box and click  Remove .

Thereafter, when you (or the selected requestor connection) starts this activity, the Tracer window acquires focus.

To resume processing after a break, click the Continue button (Continue).

NoteIf you don't resume processing for an hour after a break, processing resumes automatically.

NoteYou can't review the clipboard when processing has reached a breakpoint, as the requestor being traced is paused.

zzz Using the Tracer