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Using the View menu on the Developer portal, you can access facilities that help you manage problem flows and assignments in error.

Ideally, the standard four reports that support these facilities are empty. Items appearing on any of these four reports may indicate application bugs or operational issues. You may need to update a flow rule, a router activity, add a missing workbasket, and so on.

This topic presents an overview of five menu options:

A  Help   button is available for the latter four options.

Tip In a production setting, review and diagnose every flow problem or problem assignment to insure data integrity.

zzz Problem flows


A problem flow execution (or problem flow for short) is a report of a paused flow rule execution that identifies a work object. A problem flow can be caused by any of a large variety of conditions, relating to the flow rule, properties in the work object, or other data. After you determine the cause of the problem flow and make any needed changes, you (or the user associated with an open assignment) may be able to resume execution.

When it detects a problem flow, Process Commander normally starts the standard flow Work-.FlowProblems (using the same work object ID). It creates an assignment and places the assignment on a worklist, typically named, where is the organization of the operator who last worked on the work object. You can customize the standard activity Work-.getProblemFlowOperator in each application to send these to a different worklist or to a workbasket.

For example, these conditions cause a problem flow execution to start:

Show Activities

Select View > System > Flow Errors > Show Activities to list the activities on your system that route assignments for flow problems.

The default activity is Work-.getFlowProblem operator, which routes the assignment to the worklist of an operator with ID, where is the organization of the operator who owns the work object.

To use this standard activity, ensure that an Operator ID with this key is defined in your system, and assign someone to check the worklist periodically. However, you can override this activity with a more specific one suitable to your application, identifying an existing operator or workbasket and including an e-mail notification.

Flows with Problems — In worklists

Select View > System > Flow Errors > In Worklists > category to see assignments corresponding to flow problems that are routed to a worklist. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following categories: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit.

This report lists problem flows routed to a worklist by an activity named getProblemFlowOperator. For instructions, see Working with the flows with problem report. Click the  Help   button on the form to access instructions.

Flows with Problems — In Workbaskets

Select View > System > Flow Errors > In Workbaskets > category to see assignments corresponding to flow problems that were routed to a workbasket. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit.

This report list problem flows routed to workbaskets that you can access. (Such routing may occur when an application has overridden the standard getProblemFlowOperator activity.) This report operates similarly to the Flows with Problems in Worklist report. Click the  Help   button on the form to access instructions

zzz Problem assignments

What is an assignment with error (problem assignment)?

After a flow execution creates an assignment, many rules other than flow rules may operate on the assignment, including:

When such rules, operating on an assignment, encounter problems, the system:

  1. Changes the Instruction text on the assignment to begin with the word Error: followed by a problem description.
  2. Includes the assignment on one of the two reports accessed from this panel, depending on whether the assignment resides on an operator worklist or in a workbasket.

Assignments with Errors — In Worklists

Select View > System > Assignment Errors > In Worklists > category to access a list of assignments on user worklists that cannot be performed by those users. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit.

For instructions, see Working with the Assignments with Errors Report. Click the  Help   button on the form to access instructions.

Assignments with Errors — In Workbaskets

Select View > System > Assignment Errors > In Workbaskets > category to access a list of assignments in workbaskets that cannot be performed. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work the menu displays one or more of the following: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit.

The resulting display operates similarly to the Assignments with Errors >in Worklist menu options. Click the  Help   button on the form to access instructions.

Definitions Assign- base class, assignment, flow
Related topics Flows — Concepts and terms
Troubleshooting — Stuck work objects
