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The Report Browser in the Manager portal lets you:
- Browse and search for existing reports available to you.
- Create new reports and modify copies of existing reports.
- Use a library of SQL functions to build powerful expressions to return exactly the data your report needs
- Share report shortcuts with colleagues, and use shortcuts they provide
- Re-organize reports within categories you define.
- Run reports.
- Export reports to spreadsheets or as PDF files.
Basic concepts
- Search for reports by entering text in the Find Reports field in the left panel, and clicking the magnifying glass (). You can also browse for reports by category: click any category that appears in the left panel, and its contents appear in the Report Browser. The category link provides a hint to its contents with a number in parentheses to show the number of reports available in that category.
In the Report Search Results display, click on a report to display it. Right-click on it to see further report information, including who created it and what category it is in, and to display the Edit, Copy, and Delete buttons.
- Click the New Report link () to create a new report. In the form that appears, select the appropriate Data Type from the available options. Provide a name and title in the Report Name and Report Title fields, and optionally enter a brief description in the Report Description field. Select a Report Category from the available options--note that you cannot create a report without having a category to assign it to. When your entries are complete, click OK.
The system automatically creates your new report based on the data type you selected, and returns a "select all" result. You can modify the report by adding and adjusting the fields it displays, changing the display order of report columns, and adding data filters: see Working with the Report Viewer.
Note: The list of classes available includes all work types within the current application, Assign-Worklist, Assign-WorkBasket, Data-Admin-Organization, Data-Admin-Organization, Data-Admin-OrgDivision, Data-Admin-OrgUnit, and Data-Admin-Operator-ID. Additional classes are also listed if the Access of Role to Object instance for the manager’s role and the class specifies a value of 5 (Production Level access) for the Modify Rules and Delete Rules controls.
- Click the New Category () icon to create a new Category. In the form that appears, provide a Category Name and a Category Description. For the Owner Type select Personal, Shared, or Standard. Depending on your privileges, you may not be able to create all three category types.
Categories and shortcuts
Key features
Click a category to display a list of shortcuts to reports in that category. Each shortcut displays the title, name, and description of the report. Right-click on the shortcut to see additional information.
You can click any column heading to sort ( or ) the displayed shortcuts by the values in that column.
Each report can be assigned to multiple categories, so you may see several shortcuts to the same report.
You can drag and drop any shortcut into one of your Personal report categories, or from a Personal category into a Shared category. The Copy Report Shortcut form appears to allow you to manage information contained in the new shortcut.
Right-click a shortcut to display three editing options. Depending on your permissions, you can
- Delete the shortcut (if it is one of your own personal shortcuts).
- Copy the shortcut to a different category — any () Personal or () Shared category.
- Edit the shortcut, changing its title or category.
Making V5 reports visible in the Report Browser
PDN Resources
For additional instructions and examples, see Pega Developer Network article PRKB-26098 Using the Report Browser to share reports.
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