In the composite Manager and User portals, the Process Work workspace is where you update or resolve existing work objects. The Process Work bar is available to all
the users of the WorkManager or WorkUser portal
- For both workers and managers, this workspace provides fast
access to the application functions they need to create, find, update, and
resolve work objects.
- For managers, this workspace also provides functions to monitor the worklists and workbaskets supporting their work group,
move assignments around, and adjust work schedules.
In most Process Commander
installations, you can experiment with the PegaSample sample application
to create and resolve work objects to understand this workspace. This
approach avoids any possible interference with application test data or
real production data. See Sample
Custom worklist formats
Your application can customize the columns and appearance of the
worklist by copying and modifying a MyWorklist gadget. See worklist and
Pega Developer Network articles PRKB-25223 How to
customize the worklist display using a JOIN and PRKB-16912 How to
customize the display of a worklist. KARAF 8/16/05
Entering the
Process Work workspace
- User Portal: By default, the composite User portal displays the Process Work workspace on sign-in.
- Manager Portal: Click the Process Work bar on the left panel of the portal to display the workspace.
Navigation panel
— Selecting the work pool name
Depending on the settings in the user portal rule's Spaces tab, the portal may display, near the Pega logo, a dropdown menu where the user can select a work pool to work with.
If the user only has access to a single work pool, the dropdown menu does not need to be displayed.
If you have access to more than one work pool, the current work pool name determines which work types appear in the New... dialog box.
The choice of work pool name does not restrict the types of
assignments you can see or process on your worklist. CAJOM
Work pool names appear on
this work pool selector list in the order that the corresponding work
pools are listed on the Work Pools array on the
Access tab of the access group. If the
list is long, consider reordering the Work Pools
array to present the applications alphabetically, or in another order
meaningful to users.
Navigation panel
— Entering new work objects
To create a new work object, select a work type from the New drop-down list on the navigation panel:
This list displays all the work types in the
current application and work pool. If the work type you want to enter does not
appear, select a different application name.
Select a work type from the list. The entry form for that work type
appears a new window. See Using work object forms.
Navigation panel
— Finding work
Use the Find area of the navigation panel to
search for and access an existing work object or assignment:
- Enter a text string that relates to the work objects you are searching for, and hit the enter key or click the magnifying glass icon.
- The system displays all work objects that contain the string you specified. Above the search results are a series of fields where you can refine the search:
- In the first field, the default is All Work Types. You can limit the search to any available work type by selecting it.
- In the second field, the default is Work Objects Only. You can search work objects and attachments, or only attachments.
- In the third field, the default is All Work. You can limit the search to work entered by, assigned to, associated to, or resolved by the current user.
- In the fourth field, the default is Updated Anytime. You can choose one of a series of time ranges, such as "Yesterday".
When you change any of these settings, the search runs again automatically and displays revised results.
The search results display in a grid. Click the title or ID of any item to open it in a separate window for review or processing.
Process Work gadget —
Using the worklist
Users and managers see their worklist at the top of the Process Work gadget. Each row of the worklist identifies one assignment routed to
you. Click any row to review or work on the object in a new window.
Columns of the worklist identify aspects of the assignment:
Process Work gadget —
Manager features
Managers have two additional features in their Process Work gadgets: My Group and Bulk Processing:
The My Group area lets managers review current
assignment for individuals and group workbaskets.
- To view an operator's worklist, select a name from the View List for combo box to
list the assignments on that operator's worklist. You can select any item on the list and it will appear in a separate window for review or processing.
- To review the assignments in a workbasket, select a workbasket from the View Queue for combo
box. This list includes
those workbaskets for which the Work Group field
matches the Work Group field in your own Operator ID
The Bulk Processing area lets the manager assign, resolve, or update multiple work objects in one step. See Composite Manager portal — How to process assignments in bulk for more information.
About composite portals