Back Forward Monitor Activity gadget — Reports in the Rule Reports category

To report on rules in your system, select Pega button> Process & Rules > Work Management > Monitor Activity. This gadget provides access to various V5 reports.

Use links in the Rule Reports group to list or tally rules in your system that meet various criteria. These reports show all rules (except as described), regardless of the contents of your RuleSet list or the currently selected application:

Developers can change the order and links of reports of reports in this area by overriding model rules named System-User-MyRules.RuleReports.

This area may provide access to the following reports:

Report link

Click to access...

Rules per Rule Type, RuleSet, Version

Counts of rules, summarized by type, RuleSet, and version. Drill down to lists and then to individual rules. BUG-4031

Select a RuleSet for this report.

Rule Update History

Supports the "undelete" or Recover button (Recover). This lets you recreate a rule or data object that was deleted recently. See How to recover (undelete) a deleted rule.

The report covers only rule changes within the last 90 days.

Identify a rule type and optionally a RuleSet and performer, the Operator ID who deleted the rule or last updated it.

Circumstance Property Issues

Identifies base rules for which there are two or more circumstance-qualified rules that identify different properties for the circumstance. This is not a supported configuration of circumstances, and can arise only in rare situations. B-20800 rejected Report may be incomplete

TipAs a best practice, work to eliminate all rows in this report as your development effort completes. Research and address any issues reported in this display.

Rule Modification by Rule Type, RuleSet

Identifies the number of rules created or updated within the last seven calendar days, and the last 30 calendar days, system-wide, summarized by class and RuleSet.

All the parameters are optional. To restrict the scope of the report, enter a class (rule type), RuleSet, and version.

Rule Overrides

Compares the names of rules that belong to two lists of RuleSets and versions. Reports those rule names that are in both sets. Depending on the order of items in your RuleSet list, one of these rules overrides the others.

Reserved Properties Update

Counts any standard px or py property rules overridden. NOT VERY USEFUL

Rules per RuleSet, Version, Type


Summary view with counts of rules, summarized by RuleSet, version, and type. Drill down to lists of rules.

Select a RuleSet for this report.

Final Conflicts

Identifies rules that try to override final rules. To run this report: B-16127

  1. Select in the left column the RuleSets of interest, except for one.
  2. Select one RuleSet of your application in the right column.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Review the resulting report to identify rules in the application RuleSet that try to override a rule in another checked RuleSet. Such rules are never found by Rule Resolution and so never execute.
  5. Click a row to see details of the possible conflict for that row. VAGUE

Final rule conflicts can arise when RuleSets are moved into a system using the Import Archive tool, when a rule "beneath" a final rule is also marked as Final, and in other rare situations.

Tip As a best practice, when application development is nearly complete, work to eliminate any conflict identified in this report. Research and address any issues reported in this display.

circumstance, check in, final rule, override

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