Six database views are defined in the database to support searching
and reporting.
When an existing Process Commander system is
upgraded to a new version, SQL scripts may update the standard tables. To
avoid possible collisions or other issues with future upgrades, make
schema changes (other than simple new columns) only to copies of
the standard tables and views. Adjust table rows and
Data-Admin-DB-Table mappings to reference your copies. This
is especially important for database views, as upgrade processing may
drop view definitions and add revised view definitions.
Views for
Two views support reporting on work objects with open assignments.
(For reporting directly on assignments, see Tables for assignments.) As a
single work object may be part of multiple simultaneous flow
executions, it may have more than one assignment outstanding.
If you extend the initial PegaRULES database
scheme to store work object in a new table other than the default
table, also adjust these view definitions to
include the new table.
Associated with the Data-Assignment-Summary
class, this view supports custom worklist display. This join
contains a row for each row in the
pc_assign_worklist table (assignments sent to
operator worklists), but with additional columns supporting
reporting and custom worklists.
For example, the standard list view rule
produces a custom worklist for PegaSample work objects of
type CustomerRequest. See Pega Developer Network article
PRKB-16912 How to customize the
display of a worklist for more information.
This view is associated with the
Data-Assignment-WBSummary class. This join
supports custom displays of workbasket contents, through
techniques similar to those for custom worklists.
Work History
The pcv4_work_history
table is associated with the
Data-Work-History class, and provides a consolidated
means to reporting on work object history across all applications and
work pools. The sort order of this view is:
- pxHistoryForReference — Formed from the
class group name, a space, and the work object ID, for example
- pxTimeCreated — Date and time the history
instance was saved
This sequence causes all the history instances for a work object to
appear in sequence. This view is not used in standard reports. (For
reporting directly on work object history, see Tables for History.)
Views for
Five views support searching and reporting on rules:
Associated with the
Data-Circumstance-Duplicates class. It supports the
report on Circumstance Property Issues. |
Associated with the Data-Rule-Locking class. It
contains a row for each rule checked out by a developer, and
supports reporting on checked-out rules. |
Not used in V6.1. Associated with the Data-Rule-Overrides class.
A materialized database view, populated by triggers and
associated with the Data-Rule-Summary class. It
provides access to the information in all the rule tables,
allowing rapid rule searches by visible key
(pxInsName column).
PRKB-19211 and SR-1373 In this view, the
pyClass column — not the usual
pxObjClass column — identifies the Process
Commander class of a row. B-20590 See How to
report on rules of multiple types. |
This view supports special rule reporting on personal
development systems only. In Version 5.1 and later
production systems, the pr4_rule_vw view
replaces this view.OLSOK 3/13/06 - PERSONAL EDITION
only? |
Database indexes provide fast alternate access to rows of
When initially installed, V5.5 contains just over 100 database
indexes. Many indexes that provide fast access to rule information
using alternate (secondary) keys; these indexes have low or zero
turnover (adds and deletes) in a production system. Other indexes
support system operations such as locking and usage tracking, and may
have high turnover.
For example, the database index flow_pyClassName
associates flow rule names to Work- classes, and changes
only when flows are added or deleted.
Don't confuse database indexes
with instances of concrete classes derived from the
Index- base class. The purpose and function of both
mechanisms are similar, but database indexes are supported by database
Index- objects, created by Declare Index rules
(Rule-Declare-Index rule type), support
application-specific access. For information on the tables that support
Index- objects, see Working with
the PegaRULES database — Link and Index tables. SR-1343
B-16879 V5.1 add indexes on pr_history
Working with the PegaRULES database