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A trend report presents counts of events that occurred at a past moment in time, as recorded in one or more Single Value properties that has a DateTime type.



For example, the standard summary view rule Work-.ArrivalsPastEightWeeks presents counts of the number of new work objects created (by work type) in each of the immediate past eight calendar weeks.

To view this chart for your own application:

  1. Select the application work pool to be reported on
  2. Open the summary view rule.
  3. Click the Run toolbar button (Run).

Bar chart example


To create a trend report:

  1. Identify the DateTime properties that are the basis of the time intervals.
  2. Create a summary view report. In the Fields area of the Content tab, click the Trend Report button (Details).
  3. Complete the pop-up form to identify the DateTime property, the dates and times for each range, and the labels. See Summary View form — Completing the Content tab — Entering trend details.

You can present values in a trend report as an interactive line chart:

  1. Design and test a summary view report.
  2. On the Chart tab, select Use a Chart for the view?
  3. Select Interactive as the Chart Output Type.
  4. Click Configure Interactive Chart. Select the Line type.

For example, open and run the Work-.ArrivalsPastEightWeeksIC summary view rule. For another example, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24156 How to create an interactive trending line chart.

definitions interactive chart, slider
Related topics About Summary View rules

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