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A workbasket is a named queue of open assignments that are not associated with an operator. A workbasket is defined by an instance of the Data-Admin-WorkBasket class.

A workbasket can be linked to an organization unit, a work group, and a calendar.

To view the workbaskets referenced in your current application, select Pega Button> Process and Rules > Work Management > Workbaskets. To view all workbaskets in the system, use the Application Explorer or Pega Button> Org & Security > Tools > Workbaskets.

During system installation, one workbasket named [email protected] is created, as a last resort for routing of assignments.

As work objects progress through a flow execution, the system creates an assignments. Assignments may be associated either with human users (and appear on their worklists) or with a workbasket. The "contents" of a workbasket is a set of assignments awaiting processing, ordered in decreasing urgency, similar to the contents of a worklist. These assignments are sometimes known as the work queue.

Assignments leave a workbasket in three ways:

During execution of a flow, a router task can choose which workbasket is most appropriate to receive a newly created assignment.

The Data-Assignment-WBSummary class, mapped to a view in the PegaRULES database, supports reporting on assignments in workbaskets. Standard reports for assignments in workbaskets appear in the Monitor Assignments area of the Monitor Activity workspace.

Definitions assignment, calendar, flow, router task, urgency, work object, worklist
Related topics About Workbasket data instances
WorkManager portal — Working in the Monitor Activity workspace
Standard rules Atlas — Initial Workbaskets

UpDefinitions — W