Back ForwardHow to deploy static content to an edge server

Advanced featureIn ordinary Web pages, the term static content usually refers to image files (JPG, PNG, GIF, SWF), style sheet files (CSS), and JavaScript files (JS) that change only infrequently. 5.5 GRP-350

When your Process Commander application is in production use, these elements of your application's user interface are similarly considered static, even though they may differ from RuleSet version to RuleSet version. For example, a JavaScript routine — saved in a text file rule — is the same for all users who share one access group Alpha (and so have the same RuleSet list). However, users who share a different access group — Beta — may execute a different version of the JavaScript function, from a different version text file rule.

To improve response in a large production system, you can deploy static content onto multiple Web servers.

1. Select Pega button> System > Tools > Extract Edge Server Files.BERRB 2/25/10

2. Complete the form that appears, to supply parameters for an activity:

3. Use FTP or similar facilities to copy this ZIP archive to each edge server. Unzip the contents.

4. Copy the empty extension point activity Code-Security.ApplicationProfileSetup into a RuleSet available to application users. Follow the instructions in Step 3 of Pega Developer Network article PRKB-25587 How to improve response by distributing static content to remote edge servers. (This PDN article includes data collection steps that are necessary for V5.5 systems, but can be skipped for V6.1+ systems )

NoteThe extraction tool records each execution as an instance of the Log-EdgeServer class, and errors if any appear in instances of the Log-EdgeServer-Error class. Use the Class Explorer to access and review these log entries.

Definitions static content, stream processing
Related topics static JavaServer Pages tag

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