You can create a ZIP archive file from a product rule for use in
archive tools such
as the Import gadget tool, the Export gadget tool, or the Migration
- Identify the RuleSets and Versions that comprise your product, and the applications they support. As
a best practice, choose
> Application > Development > Checked Out Rules byrnb 2/26/10 to list all rules checked out. Complete the parameters and click Run. Confirm that none of the rules in these
RuleSets are checked out and being worked on. Errors are reported if
you create a ZIP archive at time when any of the rules designated for
it are checked out. C-1118
- Although not required, you may want to review these RuleSet
Version rules to confirm that each RuleSet version is locked. See
form — Completing the Versions tab.
- Confirm that the destination Process Commander system holds
all the RuleSets and versions listed as prerequisites to the RuleSets
and versions to be imported. If they are not present, include them in
your product rule or create a product rule that contains them and
export the ZIP archive to the destination system first. For example,
if Alpha Corp:01-01-01 is a prerequisite to OrderEntry:01-01-01, the
AlphaCorp RuleSet must be on the destination system before you can
import the OrderEntry RuleSet.
- When the product rule form is complete, save it.
- At any time after you save this rule, click Create Zip
File to start the
assembly of a Zip archive. Enter a file name (with no file type).
Processing may take several minutes to complete. Choose a file name
that is valid for both the destination server and the current server;
they may be hosted on different Windows or UNIX platforms. Many
special characters are allowed, but you can't include an equals
sign character (=) in the file name. B-12720 B-18823 OLSOK 42SP6
- The system places the Zip archive in the
directory. Right-click to download the file
to your workstation or a network drive.
- To confirm correct operation or review errors, open the newest
instance of the Log-PegaRULESMove class.
Command-line migration using UNIX shell script or Windows
BAT file
You can extract a ZIP file based on a product
rule from one Process Commander system and import the ZIP file into a
destination Process Commander system using UNIX or Windows command-line
facilities. See Pega Developer Network article
How to import and export ZIP archives from a command line. (Note
that ZIP archives created by the PRDBUTL utility servlet have a different
internal format than ZIP archives created by the Export Archive utility.)
ZIP files from older Process Commander versions
The internal format of ZIP archives created by
V5.5 and later systems differs from previous versions to facilitate smaller
packages and provide more efficient uploads. In order to create a ZIP
archive that is compatible with v5.4 and earlier, select the 5.4
Compatibility? checkbox on Contents
tab on the product rule form. v5.5
SysAdmin category