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Methods and instructions by function

Use this method to save the contents of a clipboard page into a row of a relational database. The system saves the properties on the specified step page to the specified table in the database. SR-3560 B-21231 performance ?

This method operates in conjunction with a Connect SQL rule that contains SQL statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and CREATE statements on the Save tab.

On the Save tab of the Connect SQL rule, use the special data syntax described in Connect SQL rules — Data mapping. B-19856 REECR

CautionUse Connect SQL rules and the RDB-Save method only with an external database. Do not use Connect SQL rules or RDB methods to update the PegaRULES database. Because not all properties in the Process Commander databases are distinct database columns, use the Obj-Open and Obj-Save methods, not the RDB- methods, with the PegaRULES database to prevent loss of data.


This method has four parameters. Three required parameters together identify a Connect SQL rule. The final parameter controls a processing option.




Enter the class of the step page. The system uses this as the Applies To key part of a Rule-Connect-SQL rule. B-17337 required B-21488 BUG-1115 required

NoteIdentify the exact class of the rule. The system does not use class inheritance to find the Rule-Connect-SQL instance. GENTJ 10/18/02


Enter the third key part — Request Type — of the Connect SQL rule containing the save operation.B-17337 requiredB-21488 BUG-1115 required


Enter the second key part — Package Name — of the Connect SQL rule (by convention MSSQL, Oracle, DB2, UDB, or Sybase, but not restricted to these values).


C-505 Select if you want processing for the connector to continue in a separate requestor session, in parallel with the current requestor session. When selected, use the Connect-Wait method later in the current or a later activity to access results from the connector.

Clear if you want processing in this requestor session to pause until the connector processing completes.


This method uses rule resolution to find and open the Rule-Connect-SQL instance identified by the three parameters. It then processes the SQL text in the Save tab using current clipboard values. Finally, it sends the converted SQL to the external database, which performs the Save.

When the RunInParallel box is selected, the SQL operation occurs in a new requestor session. This temporary requestor has the same access group and clipboard as the original. At most 10 such child requestor sessions can be active at once.GAJNJ 4/13/04

CautionEach RDB-Open, RDB-Save, and RDB-Commit method involves an SQL database commit operation. You cannot implement SQL transaction commit operations across two or more Connect SQL rules. TURBT 7/9/03

Checking the method status

This method updates the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.

When a {SQLPage:pagename} directive appears as the first line of the SQL code on the Save tab, a top-level page named pagename is created. If errors occur, properties on that page contain additional error details. (When RunInParallel is selected, this page is not available to the original requestor.)

Related topics About Connect SQL rules
Connect-Wait method
Connect SQL form — Data Mapping
About the Performance tool

UpMethods and instructions by function