You can specify properties to extract from any class of an application. You can can extract values for properties of many modes, including Single Value, Value List, Value Group; and multiple levels of embedded Pages, Page Lists, and Page Groups. BIX cannot export properties of the Java Object or Java Property modes.
Bix can extract values to an XML file or a Commas Separated Values (CSV) file, or directly into a relational database.
Output Format
Select an output format
- XML -- The XML output format supports two levels of extraction:
- You can extract all properties of a specified class into XML documents. Enable this mode by checking the Get All Properties checkbox when the XML output type is selected.
- You can specify a group of properties to extract by unchecking the Get All Properties checkbox. In the tree list of properties that appears, select the properties to extract.
- Comma Separated Values (CSV) -- The CSV output format lets you export instances of classes as comma-separated values in a text file. A CSV export typically produces multiple CSV files depending on the complexity of properties selected. For this format you must explicitly select from the tree display the set of properties to export.
- Database Schema -- Select this format to export data from the PegaRULES database directly into another relational database, identified to the Process Commander system by a Database Name data instance (Data-Admin-DB-Name class). Identify this database on the File Specification tab.
Working with the property tree
- When you select a subset of values to extract, identify them in the property tree display. Double-click Page properties to display a form on which you can make a selection of the page's embedded properties. Click OK to dismiss the form and update the display to reflect your selections.
- To delete a node, select the node and click the trash can icon. When you remove a node from the tree, all its sub-nodes are removed as well.
- BIX uses the property name of each Single Value property as the XML element name or database column name. Double-click the property name to provide a different name as the Map To value in the form that appears. Click OK to dismiss the form and save the new name.
About Extract rules