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Completing the General tab — Choosing a mode

About Property rules

A property rule has one of eleven modes. Each is defined in the table below. Three are string-based modes, three are page-based modes, and five are modes used with Java objects. The appearance of the Definition tab depends on the mode.

Use the Property Mode selection box to choose a mode. The property mode determines how the system represents the property data. After you select a mode, consult these topics to complete the General tab fields:



Single Value

Select Single Value to create a property that can contain a single text string value. Text, numbers, dates, Boolean values, and amounts are stored in Single Value mode properties.

For example, use this mode to create a property that can hold a birth date. The standard Single Value property named Work-.pyID holds the system-assigned unique identifier for a work object.

Value List

Select Value List to create a property that can contain an ordered list of single values.

If you create a Value List property named LetterSent, you can use it to hold a list of values. For example, you can use an activity or an HTML form to set LetterSent(1) to Mom and LetterSent(2) to Dad.

After setting these values, the LetterSent Value List contains LetterSent(1) and LetterSent(2).

An example of a standard Value List property is Work-.pyOpenWindows.

Value Group

Select Value Group to create a property that can contain an unordered group of single values. (Rare.)

If you create a Value Group property named Birthday, you can use it in your future configuration to hold a group of values. For example, you can use an activity or an HTML form to set Birthday(Bob) to July and Birthday(Mary) to September. Birthday(Bob) and Birthday(Mary) become elements of the Birthday Value Group.


Select Page to create a property that can contain an embedded page as its value.

For example, a Page mode property named Originator can contain information about the originator of a work object, such as the originator's name, account number, and so on.

An example of a standard Page property is Work-.pyIndexes.

Page List

Select Page List to create a property that can contain an ordered list of embedded pages.

For example, a Page List property named Contacts can contain the pages Contact(1), Contact(2), Contact(3), and so on.

Work-.pyFlowActionCosts is an example of a standard Page List property.

Page Group

Select Page Group to create a property that can contain an unordered group of embedded pages.

For example, the standard Page Group property named Work-.pyWorkParty can contain pyWorkParty(Lawyer), pyWorkParty(Customer), pyWorkParty(Staff), and so on.

Java Object

C-626 03-04 Advanced featureSelect Java Object to indicate that this property holds on the clipboard a reference to an instance of a Java object.

Some properties with this mode can be saved as persistent data in the PegaRULES database. If the Java class of the Java object instance implements the Serializable interface, and the value can be validated, Process Commander can persist instances of the Java class with other clipboard data.

Java ObjectList

C-626 03-04 Advanced featureSelect Java ObjectList to indicate that this property can contain an array of references to instances of Java objects. The first element in the array is identified by the 1 subscript, not the 0 subscript.

Java Object Group

C-626 03-04 Advanced featureSelect Java Object Group to indicate that this property can contain an unordered group of references to instances of Java objects.

Java Property

Advanced feature Supports the Process Commander Java pages feature that enables your application to interact with Java objects as though they were pages and properties on the clipboard.

Select Java Property to indicate that this property represents a single property of a Java class that defines an external Java object. Typically, properties of this mode are generated by the Import JavaBeans wizard when you use it to import a Java class and implement in Process Commander the data model of an external Java object.

For information, see PDNWorking with Java Objects (April 2005), a document available in the Integration section of the Pega Developer Network.

Java Property List

Advanced feature Supports the Process Commander Java pages feature that enables your application to interact with Java objects as though they were pages and properties on the clipboard.

Select Java Property List to indicate that this property represents an array property of a Java class that defines an external Java object. Typically, properties of this mode are generated by the Import JavaBeans wizard.

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