Back Forward Help: Branding Wizard — Custom

Create one or more custom CSS styles in this array. Enter a name in the Style Name field (by default, the name is given the prefix custom_ ). In the CSS field, click the magnifying glass button () to open the Style Editor. When you have completed your update, save the style names, which you can reference later when creating harnesses and sections. Custom styles do not override the standard skin styles. However, they are saved in the skin for future modification within the wizard.


Click Preview to open in a new window a rendering of the UI elements as configured so far. To view the rendering on the traditional Pega portal, click the Preview Traditional Portal button in the preview window.

Click <<Back to return to the previous step.

Click Save to save your updates to the skin rule.

Click Cancel to discard your updates and exit the wizard.

Click Finish to save your updates and exit the wizard. This action opens a panel containing an array of rules comprising the skin and its associated portal and text rules. Click the edit button () to open a rule.

Click Reopen Skin to return to the first step, or click Cancel to exit the wizard.

UpStyles and Formats Help Topics

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