Use the RuleSet Delete tool to delete an entire RuleSet or a specific
version of a RuleSet, or to restore a RuleSet previously deleted with
this tool.
Completing the form
To delete a RuleSet:
- Select the RuleSet to be deleted in the OriginalRuleSet
- Optionally, select a RuleSet version to be deleted in the
RuleSet Version field.
- Click the Delete button to
begin processing. This may take several minutes.
- The system creates a backup of the RuleSet in Process
Commander's explicit temporary directory. A status area shows
progress and the results of the operation.
- If errors occur, click the Total Number of Errors
link in the lower right corner of the display form to see any error
messages. This list can't easily be accessed after you close the
form; print the list so you can research and address the errors.
- Click the Close button
to exit.
Restoring the RuleSet
The system saves the deleted RuleSet in a file called
"" in Process
Commander's temporary directory.
To recover this RuleSet, enter the RuleSet and Version into the Delete
a RuleSet form and click Restore.
About the RuleSet Delete tool