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Consult the thirdpartylicense.PDF file on the PRPC installation media for information about software incorporated in or delivered with PRPC.

Links in this topic connect to Web sites not affiliated with Pegasystems Inc.


Pegasystems®, PegaRULES®, PegaRULES Process Commander®, PegaIMAGE Manager®, Process Commander®, SmartBPM Suite®, Smart Adjust®, and Simply Smart BPM® are registered trademarks of Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems acknowledges the product offerings and trademarks of other organizations.


PRPC can be installed with the Tomcat implementation of Sun Microsystems' Java servlet specification. Tomcat is an open-source offering of the Jakarta Project, part of the Apache® Software Foundation at WWW

PRPC also incorporates Apache HTTP, ANT, Formatting Objects Parser (FOP), Jakarta, Lucene, log4j, LogFactor5, Jasper, PhoneGap, XMLSecurity, WSS4J, Rampart and Axis from the Apache Software Foundation.


Word, Excel, Windows XP, Visual Studio, SmartShapes, Silverlight, Visual InterDev, Internet Explorer, SQL Server, Visual Basic and Visio are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. is a DHTML code library copyrighted by Microsoft corporation.

The Fiddler HTTP Proxy Debugger at WWW is a project of Eric Lawrence copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation.

IBM and IBM-sponsored

WebSphere®, WebSphere MQ and WebSphere IICE are product offerings of the IBM Corporation. AIX, CICS, z/OS, DB2, and DB2 Universal Database (UDB) are also products of IBM.

PRPC may include software under license from:

Other commercial

Other open source

PRPC may include software from these open sources:

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