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Data Tables tab




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The Data Tables landing page contains the Data Tables tab.

Using the Data Tables tab

Use the Data Tables tab to identify the data tables in your application, create new data tables in your application, and list, insert, delete or update rows in a data table.




Description Entered when the data table is created to describe the contents of the table.
Class Name The class on which the data table is defined.
RuleSet The RuleSet in which the data table class is defined.
Row Count The number of rows (entries) currently in the data table.
Edit Provides access to the contents of this table.

Click the pencil icon Pencil to list, add, update, or delete rows of an existing data table using the Data Table Editor.

Click Add a New Data Table to start the Data Table wizard.

Definitions application, data table, landing page
Related topics About the Data Table wizard
Using the Data Table wizard
About the Data Table editor

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