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To help meet the accessibility guidelines established by Section 508 of the United States Rehabilitation Act, the Web Accessibility Initiative, and PegaWAI RuleSet. These features simplify building an application that a user with disabilities can operate without using the mouse, and in conjunction with screen reader software such as JAWS for Windows®.

Developers may use these features:

PegaWAI is an add-on for which a current license is required. To enable this capability:

  1. Locate the zip archive of the PegaWAI RuleSet on the installation media. The archive file name is Use the Import tab at pega button > Application > Import & Export > Import to import the RuleSet into your system .
  2. Add PegaWAI to the Production RuleSet list for the access groups that serves those using accessibility features or devices..
  3. Select the Enable Accessibility checkbox on the Settings tab of the Access Group form. Save the form.

Users associated with that access group have the benefit of PegaWAI in the composite portals, while other users see no change to their portal experience.

NoteSupport for accessibility features does not guarantee that an application that a developer creates automatically satisfies accessibility guidelines. Developers have an obligation to take steps, such as providing Tooltip texts for all controls and fields and using appropriate color schemes, that allow PRPC's accessibility features to function properly.

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