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Concepts and terms


Passivation allows a requestor, service, or clipboard page to be saved into the PegaRULES database and reactivated later. A background process known as the passivation daemon converts the in-memory state and clipboard information into database rows, making the memory available for other uses. The reverse process is known as activation.

Passivation is controlled through the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings. The passivation daemon wakes once a minute to handle passivations.

Passivation occurs through three distinct mechanisms:

Passivation frees up JVM memory, making more memory available to other requestors. In addition, Timeout passivation has security benefits, and HTTP passivation has failover benefits.

TipIdle pages within an otherwise active requestor session may indicate a design or implementation issue that merits research. Ensure that your processing creates only pages that are needed, and removes them when they are no longer needed.

 Where passivation information is saved

 Page passivation

 Timeout passivation

 Passivation at HTTP interaction end

 Troubleshooting long-lived pages

 Reporting on passivated requestors


Definitions daemon, passivation, persistent object, prconfig.xml file, timeouts
