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Concepts and terms

The agent rule in the Pega-RulesEngine RuleSet has five agents. In a multinode cluster, you can enable this agent on multiple nodes.

Don't confuse this agent with the similarly-named Pega-Rules agent.

Purge Assembly Cache

The System-Cache-.Purge agent runs twice a day (every twelve hours) and purges records from the Rules Assembly cache (on the current node).

Scheduled Task Processor

The System-Queue-ScheduledTask.pzScheduledTaskProcessor agent processes instances of the instances of the System-Queue-ScheduledTask class to execute scheduled reports. See Report Definitions — Scheduling reports.

Property Optimization

The System-Job-PropertyOptimizationpyOptimization agent supports background processing to expose properties from the pzPVStream (BLOB) column. Queue entries are instances of the System-Queue-ColumnPopulation class.

Use the Property Optimization tool to request that a property be exposed as a separate column, and values for that column be populated automatically, The Property Optimization landing page tab on the System-Database landing page tracks the progress of this agent. Select Pega button> System > Database > Column Population Jobs to see the status of jobs in this queue.

Unused CSS Files

To maximize performance, rules assembly in certain cases automatically creates text rules of type CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to support portal display and harness display. These text file rules can be orphaned (never needed or used) by later processing. This activity deletes such text file rules, to reduce rule count and clutter.

Report Statistics

Once an hour, the Log-ReportStatistics.pzSaveReportStatUsage activity adds an instance to the Log-ReportStatistics class for each execution of a report definition. Each instance identifies the report definition, the date and time of execution. Standard reports are available to support your review of these log instances. The dynamic system setting value reporting/enablestatistics, enabled by default, controls this logging.

Definitions agent, Rules Assembly cache
Related topics Agents Overview
More about Text File rules
System-Database landing page
Working with the Rules Assembly cache
About the Property Optimization tool
About Agents rules
About Agent Schedule data instances
Standard rules Atlas — Standard Agents
