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JMS listeners provide PRPC with the information it needs to route Java Message Service (JMS) messages from a specific topic or queue to a PRPC JMS service (Rule-Service-JMS rule type). A JMS listener or JMS MDB listener data instance specifies which queue or topic contains the messages to be consumed and which JMS service rule(s) will process the messages.

PRPC supports both JMS messaging domains: publish-and-subscribe (including durable subscriptions) and point-to-point.

Determine which of two listener types is appropriate

JMS listeners can be implemented in two ways:

For more information about the differences in the way listeners work based on how PRPC is deployed, see PDN article PDN 24046 Using MQ and JMS services with Enterprise Application deployment.


Use the Rules Explorer to review or create JMS MDB listener data instances.


The Data-Admin-Connect-JMSMDBListener class contains JMS MDB listener data instances. They are part of the Integration-Resources category.

Associated RuleSet

When you save a JMS MDB listener data instance, if the Associated RuleSet is [none], the system completes this field with a RuleSet from the current application. This association assists with application packaging. You can update the associated RuleSet using the field in the upper right corner of the form. See Identifying parts of rule and data forms.

If there is no RuleSet associated with the data instance (for example, for existing instances not previously associated with a RuleSet), the Associated RuleSet displays [none].

Integration-Resources category
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