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This term is used in two ways.

Declarative page

An expired declarative page is a page computed by a declare pages rule (Rule-Declare-Pages rule type) that will be recomputed (refreshed)the next time the page is accessed.

For example, you can define a declarative page that expires after 60 minutes. If the first-ever access to the page occurs at 9:15 A.M, the system computes the page and makes it available in read-only mode. Other accesses at 9:30 A.M and 10:05 are served by that page, and no recomputation occurs. At 10:15, the page is considered expired, although the system does not detect this until the next attempt to access the page.


Advanced featureAn expired HTTP page is a PRPC display in the workspace that contains EXPIRED! as a background watermark.

This indicates that the transaction ID token pzTransactionID of the page does not match the transaction ID expected by the requestor Thread. Data presented on the page may be stale or invalid. This can arise through incorrect use of the URL JSP tag.

Expired page

Definitions declarative page, URL JSP tag
Related topic About Declare Pages rules

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