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The Short Description field is an unedited text field available on most rule and data forms. Developers can enter a brief text description that helps them recognize the object when it is later presented on a list.

Internally, the Short Description field corresponds to the @baseclass.pyLabel property. Short description text is sometimes called the "label" of the object. For work items, this field is conventionally called the "subject". (On some forms, the field for the @baseclass.pyLabel property has the label Description rather than Short Description.)

In several cases, the Short Description (or Description) text is visible to application users as well as to developers. For these cases, it is important to choose wording of the text to be meaningful to users in the context of their work. For example:

When an application is localized to support users with multiple languages or locales, the Short Description text that is visible to users can be converted through field value rules to a locale-specific equivalent.

The standard activity @baseclass.StandardValidate requires that property pyLabel have a non-blank value.

Definitions Full Description, locale, starter flow rule, subject, work pool name
Related topics Choosing good Descriptions and Short Descriptions

UpDefinitions — S