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An open work item can be suspended when an application detects an unusual or suspect value. All the ordinary flow executions in process for the work item are halted, and the work item status changes to Pending-PolicyOverride. The property named Work-.pxSuspended has the value true for suspended work items.

This capability provides those interested in compliance, fraud, and quality control to detect unusual or inappropriate situations regardless of the human activity, system, or rules that created the situation.

While a work item is suspended, only review flows can processed the work item. When such flow executions complete, their results may allow suspended processing to resume.

Configuration of this feature involves activities, Declare OnChange rules, and a policy review flow.

Assignments for a suspended flow execution belong to the Assign-Suspend class. To see a list of these, select> Process and Rules > Tools > Work Admin > Suspended Work.

Definitions policy override capability
Related topics Understanding suspended work items and policy overrides

UpDefinitions — S