About the Parse Infer rule debugger |
Use the Parse Infer rule debugger tool to test and debug an activity that uses the Text-Infer method. This tool presents detailed debugging output from the parse infer rule and the parse transform collection and parse transform rules that it may reference.
Output is similar to this example:
Checking for matches to LookFor
Find \b([A-Za-z0-9]{3})(\d\d)([0123]\d\d)(\w\w)[-/._]?([0-9Oo]{1,5})\b (Transform: fwFindRecTxnRef )
Found string match; running through Convert definition.
Match String: PEG85396SI/oo056
Convert returned null
Found string match; running through Convert definition.
Match String: PEG85076SI/00989
Parse Info Snapshot
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<pxMessage>Parse Info Snapshot</pxMessage> <pxMatchString>PEG85076SI/00989</pxMatchString> <pxMatchEnd>204</pxMatchEnd>
<pxObjClass>Code-Pega-Parse</pxObjClass> <pxMatchTransform>fwFindRecTxnRef</pxMatchTransform> <pxDebugEventType>PIPage</pxDebugEventType> <pxMatchConverted>PEG85076SI-00989</pxMatchConverted> <pxMatchStart>188</pxMatchStart>
<pxMatchGroups REPEATINGTYPE="PropertyList">
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="1">PEG</rowdata>
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="2">85</rowdata>
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="3">076</rowdata>
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="4">SI</rowdata>
<rowdata REPEATINGINDEX="5">00989</rowdata>
Binding result to .RecTxnRef
Setting secondary properties.
Infer processing done.
free text rules, regular expression | |
About Parse Infer rules
Text-Infer method |