Back Forward Help: Using the Referencing Rules display


This display shows how one rule — called the focus rule — exists within the context of other rules that may reference it, and other rules that it references.

To refocus the display on a rule in the left or right column, select and drag the rule name into to the center white space. The display refreshes the contents of the other columns to reflect the new focus rule.

CautionSome rules (including many standard rules with @baseclass or Work- as the Applies To class) are referenced by thousands of other rules. Retrieval may require several seconds.

NoteThis display is not restricted by your RuleSet list. Some rules in this display may belong to RuleSets or versions that you cannot open or execute.

Working with the left column (Referencing Rules)

Each row of in the left column identifies a rule that references the current focus rule. Rules are grouped by common name.

Working with the middle column (focus rule)

The middle column identifies the focus rule. Use the following controls to access the information of interest:



Click the pencil icon to open the focus rule.
 View Previous
Previous View
After you have changed focus to a second or subsequent rule, click to review earlier displays. (This control appears as Back when disabled.)
Click to return the display to the first focus rule you displayed.
Next View
After View Previousonly, click to review a previously viewed display. (This control appears as View Previous when disabled.)
Show Overrides

Select this box to list, in the middle column, other rules that override the focus rule through class inheritance. For example, a property named Alpha-.PartNum overrides a the property named @baseclass.PartNum.

Overridden rules due to RuleSets, versions, and other sources do not appear.

Show Versions and Circumstances

Select this box to list, in the left and middle columns, circumstance-qualified rules, time-qualified versions, and multiple versions of rules.

Clear this box to present only rule names in the left and right columns, and a specific rule version in as the focus column. The rule names represent a "collapsed" collection of rules that can belong to various RuleSets, versions, and with various circumstance and time qualifications.

Working with the right column (Referenced Rules)

The right column lists the names of other rules that the focus rule references. The exact rule that the system finds at runtime may differ from the name shown, due to class inheritance.

Each row of the left identifies another rule that references the current rule. Rules are grouped by common name (activities, properties, and so on).


Many factors affect the completeness and accuracy of the Referenced Rules list in the left column. For more information, see About the Referencing Rules display.

UpAbout the Referencing Rules display