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Setting watch variables

Set a watch variable to detect that processing has changed the value of a property.

After you set a watch variable, you can minimize the Tracer window and use the system. Focus returns to the Tracer window when your work causes the property value to change.

  1. Click the Watch button Set Watch Variables and complete the Watch Variables form.


    Completing the field

    Page NameEnter the name of the page, or enter param for the parameter page.
    Property NameEnter the property name. Don't type a period before the name of the property.
    Or Page MessagesSelect to watch this page for page messages.
  2. Click  Set Watch   to save the entered information.
  3. Minimize the Watch Variables form and the Tracer window.
  4. Resume other work.
  5. When the Tracer next detects a change in the property value, it displays a Property Inspector area in the lower left area of the event window.
  6. To see the full Property Inspector window, place your pointer at the line until a yellow arrow appears. Drag up until the complete Property Inspector window is visible.

    The Property Inspector window displays:



    ReferenceThe page and property being watched.
    Old ValueIf you clicked  Continue  , and the Tracer tool finds that the value has changed, it lists the previous value here.
    Current ValueThe current value of the property.
  7. Click  Continue   to resume tracing. (If you don't resume processing within an hour after a break, processing resumes automatically.)

To end the watch, access the Watch Variables form again, check the box under Remove and click  Remove   .

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